An exercise and lifestyle philosophy that can assist fitness, particularly the back and neck pain, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, respiratory problems, insominia and arthritis. Also stress,asthma and sinusitis and recovery from general illness. A combination of stretching exercises known as asanas and breathing exercises called pranayana, based on the original Indian therapy encourages energy flows in the body and mind.
There are different types of yoga but the most popular form practised in the West is Hatha Yoga which concentrates on posture and stretching exercises. Meditation is also practised as part of the discipline and helps to bring about a state of profound relaxation and heightened spiritual awareness. It can be practised at home and through classes at fitness clubs and health and leisure centres
The British Wheel of Yoga
1 Hamilton Place, Boston Road
Sleaford, Lincolnshire NG34 7ES.UK.
Tel:+44 (0)1529 306851