Lipo Contour Elite is a revolutionary garment that uses a patented 3-layer fabric to deliver inch loss and firming by applying the principles of massage, heat and pressure to the skin tissue. Exercise it not necessary but the more you move the better the result.
This three-tier approach increases fatty acid catabolism (the breakdown of fat molecules), whilst stimulating blood supply. Bio-stimulation improves lymphatic drainage, reduces inflammation and ultimately improves the oxygenation of the skin, resulting in smooth, firm, healthy skin.
The Lipo Contour Elite is a new generation garment by an Italian doctor which has been updated with new and improved fabric technology.
An extensive clinical study of 96 participants wearing the garment over an 8 week period (see details below) showed stellar results in reducing the appearance of cellulite and thickness of fat around the buttocks, thighs, lower back and stomach.

How do they work?
You wear them for 4 hours a day for up to 8-12 weeks for maximum results. They have 3 layers – the inner layer is a 3-D wave which massages you as you move, the middle layer is neoprene which reflect heats back into the skin, the outer layer is for the compression. The massage, heat and compression all work together to help lose inches, reduce cellulite and detox you at the same time thanks to the increase in circulation. They work every time you move so the more you move the better. You can wear them whilst gardening, walking the dog, doing the housework, the school run and exercising which would give the best results.
The effect of the Lipo Contour Elite pants is enhanced by using them while cycling on a Hypoxi machine – which also encourages inch loss and loss of toxins. Hypoxi therapy is also available at The Body Clinic at Urban Retreat Harrods.
ELIXIR is midway through testing these pants – we will deliver our verdict in four weeks time!
These pants have also been endorsed by Harrods anti-celluite guru, Jo Heptinstall (pictured), who has spent a decade of testing beauty devices for London’s top store. As well as for inch loss she recommends them for heavy leg syndrome and also to firm up ageing knees.
Jo helps clients transform orange peel thighs and cottage-cheese bottoms into tight, toned, smooth works of art through her philosophy of looking into the inside of the body to then heal from the outside.
Jo says: My experience as an expert with Urban Retreat clients is that most women suffer with heavy leg syndrome at some time, especially those over the age of 50. This can be caused by menopause, lack of exercise, poor diet, hormone imbalance and not drinking enough water. I myself have suffered from heavy leg syndrome and was astonished by how the aches and pains in my legs disappeared, simply by wearing Lipo Contour Elite. The alleviation of symptoms is due to the micro-massage action which increases circulation and drains waste toxins.

When worn in conjunction with an exercise plan or used with the advanced Hypoxi treatments offered at the Urban Retreat, inch loss results from Lipo Contour Elite are staggering. You can see results in just 7 days! Lipo Contour Elite targets cellulite by increasing blood circulation in targeted areas of the body during exercise, generating specific, controlled, fat- burning and toning of trouble spots.
The combination of a daily exercise routine or Hypoxi treatment with Lipo Contour Elite speeds the heating and massage process resulting in extremely fast weight loss and cellulite reduction.
Lipo Contour Elite is available in two designs: Capri (RRP £94.95) and Short (RRP £79.95).
Both designs available in sizes 10-18.
To Wash: For best results hand-wash at a low temperature with a small amount of mild detergent. Dry naturally away from direct heat. Do not dry clean.
Body Clinic at Urban Retreat, Harrods (London), John Lewis (Oxford St & Cheadle), Lloyds Pharmacy, Harrods Pharmacy, John Bell & Croyden (London), Cosmetic Solutions (Harley Street, London) Leading: Independent Pharmacies, Beauty Salons & Health Food Stores
www.lipocontour.co.uk Order line Tel: 0845 003 1500
Clinical Trial Data:
Lipo Contour Elite has been tested and confirmed through a large-scale study of 96 women over 8 weeks at the Dermatological Clinic at the University of Chieti, Italy
Lipo Contour Elite was seen to improve drainage, reduce inflammation, increase oxygenation of skin and fat tissue and provide a significant reduction in the appearance of cellulite
Garments were effective in reducing the thickness of fat around the buttocks, thighs, lower back and stomach
The fat loss was the result of shrinking cellulite fat cells with a circumference reduction of between 6%-13% in 4 weeks, and up to 21% in 8 weeks
Patented 3-Layer Fabric Details:
The three fundamentally important functions of Lipo Contour Elite are:
The 3D Wave (inner layer)
The patented Elite 3D Wave is the key ingredient in this fat-fighting garment. This three dimensional fabric is made up of tiny waves of folded material arranged in a manner to maximise the mechanical stimulation of the skins surface. The gentle yet constant massage increases the microcirculation of blood in the skins sub-surface. Increased blood microcirculation helps to reduce adipose tissue (fat) and aggregations (lumps) in addition to improving the oxygenation of the skin and its appearance.
The Neoprene (middle layer)
Neoprene is the space age fabric used to make high quality scuba suits. This fabric creates the thermal action by reflecting the bodys own heat back to the skins surface. The thermal action of the neoprene activates more blood circulation, helps to breakdown fat cells, improves drainage of liquids and toxins, reduces inflammation, and improves oxygenation resulting in smoother, firmer and healthier skin.
The Elastan (outer layer)
The final piece of this puzzle is the Elastan layer. The firm and constant pressure of the outer most Elastan layer keeps the neoprene and the 3D wave layers firmly against the skin and actively working to stimulate the release of toxins, fluids and fat.
Enriched Anti-Bacterial Properties
The hypoallergenic properties of the Lipo Contour Elite with its imbedded anti-bacterial silver ions, ensure maximum hygiene.