
A cosmetic surgery treatment in which fat is removed from the face and or body through an incision in the skin.

Lactic Acid

A natural substance in the skin and muscles. Lactic acid is a fuel for the muscles, producing it from glucose, and they burn it to obtain energy. The reason trained athletes can perform so hard and so long is because … Continue reading

Keloid Scar

An overly enlarged scar – this is more common in darker skin types. They have be very small and very large. Most can be removed by surgery.


Hyperpigmentation is when darker patches occur on the skin. This can be caused by hormones, skin injury or sun exposure. It commonly occurs on Asian skin.

Hyaluronic acid

Another important and innovative ingredient in skin care is hyaluronic acid. A large sugar-like molecule found in every tissue of the body, hyaluronic acid is particularly important to the skin’s extracellular matrix, where it attracts and binds with water and … Continue reading


An operation, using a freezing technique, which can be major or minor, to remove tissue such as a mole or a skin tag or other.

Chemical Peel

A solution, applied to the skin, that causes the top layers to peel off. These can be made of fruit acids and can be very strong or mild, depending on the individual requirement.


Deposits of dimpled fat just beneath the skin that usually only affects females. Cellulite can be reduced by diet and exercise.


This is the brand name for a form of botulinum toxin that is injected into muscles to bring about temporary and partial paralysis – this helps eliminate wrinkle lines around the eyes, forehead and neck. Botox is also used in … Continue reading

Salicylic Acid

Also known as Beta hydroxy acid this is a mild exfoliant that helps peel off dead layers of the skin. Beware if you have an aspirin allergy as it may cause a serious swelling reaction.

Beta Hydroxy Acid

Also known as Salicylic acid this is a mild exfoliant that helps peel off dead layers of the skin. Beware if you have an aspirin allergy.


Antibiotics are medicine that kill bacteria or slow the growth of bacteria. They are used to cure diseases. Penicillin, pictured, is a popular antibiotic. Antibiotics can not stop a virus.

Alpha hydroxy acid (AHA)

These are a group of acids found in foods such as milk and fruit, and can be applied to the skin to remove dead cells and improve skin texture. The tropical fruit papaya is very rich in AHA.