Red wine fights gum disease

Quebec: Chemicals in red wine may help reduce gum disease, scientists at the Universite de Laval have discovered. The reason is that red wine contains polyphenols, chemicals which give red wine its colour, help reduce the periodontitis, the damaging disease … Continue reading

Cosmetic Dentistry

What is cosmetic dentistry by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry There have been plenty of movie stars, models, even media personalities who have used cosmetic dentistry to help enhance their image. But cosmetic dentistry … Continue reading

Professional bodies

These professional bodies have dentists and cosmetic surgeons as members and can assist with references: American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry American Dental Association European Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry

A-Z of treatments

Amalgam fillings Once a standard treatment, amalgam silver coloured fillings have now been replaced by composites to white ones. Bleaching Can improve colour of teeth by up to 70% but not stains caused by the antibiotic tetracycline or the white … Continue reading


Remember the condition of your teeth and mouth may be an indication of problems with your general health and you should see a doctor and/or dentist if symptoms persist. Watch animations and read helpful information about dental treatments below. The … Continue reading