Red wine molecule causes a drop in blood pressure

A new treatment for high blood pressure could be on the horizon after British Heart Foundation-funded scientists today revealed how a molecule found in red wine causes drops in blood pressure. The study, published in the journal Circulation, sheds light on how the compound could help scientists combat heart and circulatory diseases.

Resveratrol is a compound produced by the skins of certain fruits in self defence against insects, bacteria and fungi. It is best known for its presence in grapes and red wine. The compound has been touted as an elixir capable of combating several diseases including cancer, dementia and heart and circulatory diseases. However, despite exciting findings of benefits in cell and animal studies, so far scientists have been mostly unable to effectively translate these findings into treatments for human disease. In addition, the exact mechanisms behind resveratrol’s effects have not been understood.

Researchers from King’s College London gave mice with induced high blood pressure 320mg/kg of resveratrol in their diet for 15 days. The blood pressure of mice fed resveratrol in their diet dropped by around 20mmHg compared to mice fed a normal diet.

The researchers showed that resveratrol caused the blood vessels of the mice to relax, and blood pressure to drop, by oxidising a protein called PKG1a in the blood vessel wall. They then showed that resveratrol works in the same way in smooth muscle cells from human blood vessels.

According to the researchers, no current blood pressure lowering medications target this pathway and the findings could lead to the development of new drugs. The findings have also revealed that resveratrol, previously labelled an antioxidant, acts as an oxidant to lower blood pressure.

The team have suggested that the blood-pressure lowering effects of resveratrol might actually be amplified in people with heart and circulatory disease. In order to oxidise PKG1a, resveratrol has to be activated by free radicals first, which are found at higher concentrations in heart patients.

The findings do not mean the public should start drinking more red wine. For a human to consume the same doses of resveratrol used in the study, they would need to drink around 1,000 bottles of red wine a day. The researchers explain that such high doses of resveratrol were needed because in its current form resveratrol does not dissolve well and is broken down by the body before it can reach its target in the blood vessel wall.

Future drug developments may rely on altering the chemical structure of resveratrol to make it easier to dissolve and more resistant to breakdown, to ensure more of the compound reaches the target cells. Scientists may also develop entirely new drugs, which mimic the effects of resveratrol.

Dr Joseph Burgoyne, Senior Lecturer in Cardiovascular Sciences at King’s College London who led the study said:

“We’re slowly realising that oxidants aren’t always the villain. Our research shows that a molecule once deemed an antioxidant exerts its beneficial effects through oxidation. We think that many other so-called ‘antioxidants’ might also work in this way.

“Our work could lay the foundations for chemically altering resveratrol to improve its delivery to the body, or designing new, more potent drugs which use the same pathway. In the future, we could have a whole new class of blood pressure drugs.”

Professor Metin Avkiran, Associate Medical Director at the British Heart Foundation said:

“Unfortunately, this isn’t the all clear to open a bottle of merlot. To get the human equivalent dose of resveratrol used here, you’d need to drink an impossible amount of red wine every day.

“This study reveals the surprising way in which resveratrol works and opens up the possibility of new blood pressure drugs which work in a similar way. The findings bring us a step closer to tackling this ‘silent killer’ which puts people at risk of having a devastating stroke or heart attack.
“Although you can buy resveratrol supplements, the best way to keep your blood pressure under control is through a healthy lifestyle, a balanced diet and taking any medicines prescribed by your doctor.”

Background facts:

There are around 14.4 million adults in the UK with high blood pressure, with an estimated 6-8 million who are undiagnosed or uncontrolled. High blood pressure, or hypertension, is a major risk factor for heart and circulatory diseases including strokes and heart attacks.

It’s thought that significant numbers of people who are prescribed medications for high blood pressure do not take them.

During May Measurement Month, the BHF is encouraging the public to get to know their numbers. A normal blood pressure is less than 140/90mmHg. For more information, please visit our website.

To request interviews or for more information please contact the BHF press office by emailing or calling 020 7554 0164. (07764 290 381 – out of hours).

About the British Heart Foundation:

One in four of us in the UK and one in three globally die from heart and circulatory diseases. That’s why the British Heart Foundation funds world‐leading research into their causes, prevention, treatment and cure. Advances from our research have saved and improved millions of lives, but heart diseases, stroke, vascular dementia and their risk factors such as diabetes still cause heartbreak on every street. With the public’s support, our funding will drive the new discoveries to end that heartbreak. Find out more at

New drug dissolves arterial plaque – a major cause of heart disease

An injectable drug, Repatha, has been shown to dissolve damaging arterial plaques in a new patient trial.

Plaque deposits are responsible for clogging up arteries and contribute to blood clots – a major cause of heart attacks. Clots block the blood supply to the heart, leaving the crucial cardiac muscles starved of oxygen. Therefore treatments which can stop or reverse the build up of atheromas, cut heart attack risk and save lives.
Data from a trial of 968 patients, was unveiled at the recent American Heart Association’s Scientific Sessions meeting in New Orleans, and showed that 64% of those treated with both Repatha and statins saw their atheromas shrink over 18 months.

But of the statins group only 48% experienced shrinkage and to a far smaller degree. Whereas the average patient treated with Repatha had a shrinkringe of plaque of 5.8 cubic mm, more than six times more than the 0.9 cubic mm shrinkage seen among those treated with statins alone.

Researcher Dr Stephen Nicholls, of the University of Adelaide, said the plaque reversal was ‘really quite profound’ – and was more than enough to stop a heart attack.

‘It is the difference in disease progression between those who have an event and those who don’t,’ he told the meeting.

Coronary heart disease, in which the major arteries become clogged, affects more than 2.3million people in Britain, and 69,000 die from heart attacks every year.

US company Amgen which makes the drug hopes that an even larger trial which completes next year , of nearly 30,000 people, will prove that the medicine does stop heart attacks.

Repatha is already available in the UK on the NHS and an estimated 325,000 people in the UK are already eligible to be prescribed it. That approval was made on the basis of trials which showed they reduced cholesterol by about 60 per cent more than statins.

Repatha is one of the first new cholesterol treatments developed since statins launched some 30 years ago – offer the first real alternative for people who cannot cope with the brutal muscle aches that sometimes accompany statins, or for whom statins simply do not work.

They have been approved in the UK for two main groups – those with a genetic condition which means they have dangerously high cholesterol, and people with heart disease who cannot cope with the side effects of statins.

But the new findings suggest the drugs could benefit hundreds of thousands more people – with up to 1.5million people potentially benefitting if the guidelines are changed.

The researchers, led by the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, found patients were still seeing their plaques shrink even when their cholesterol levels had reached very low levels – about a tenth of the level at which British patients are eligible for the drug.

Repatha, which is also known as evolocumab has so far been given to only handfuls of NHS patients, mostly because the of the cost. It costs about £4,400 per patient per year, although the NHS has agreed an undisclosed discount on this price.

Statins are incredibly cheap in comparison, costing the NHS about £20 a year per patient.

But doctors are more likely to start prescribing the drugs based on the new findings, which show for the first time that it has a clinical effect that extends beyond simply lowering cholesterol.

Regular breakfast may protect against diabetes in youngsters

Children who eat breakfast regularly, particularly a high fibre cereal breakfast, had lower risk for type 2 diabetes than those children who ate breakfast infrequently, according to new research

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The results came from research among 4,116 9–10 year old children attending 200 schools in London, Birmingham, and Leicester participating in the Child Heart and Health Study in England (CHASE), a study examining risk factors for cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes in children.

Researchers took various body measurements of the study participants and their levels of insulin, glucose, and other blood markers of diabetes risk. All the participants reported how often they ate breakfast and 2,004 children also completed a 24-hour dietary recall questionnaire.

Seventy-four percent of the children reported that they ate breakfast every day, 11% and 9% reported that they ate breakfast most days and some days, respectively, whereas 6% reported that they rarely ate breakfast.

Children who ate breakfast every day had lower risk markers for type 2 diabetes (eg fasting insulin levels were lower) than those children who ate breakfast infrequently. In particular, the children who ate a high fibre, cereal-based breakfast had lower insulin resistance than children who ate other types of breakfast such as low fibre or toast-based breakfasts.

Studies of this type are often associated with confounding factors that can reduce the strength of the findings. However, in this study the association between eating breakfast and having a favorable type 2 diabetes risk profile remained after allowing for differences in socioeconomic status, physical activity levels, and amount of body fat.

Family GP, Dr Paul Stillman and advisor to the Breakfast Cereal Information Service (BCIS) commenting on the results said: “These findings are very encouraging and suggest the need to conduct further trials to see whether altering the breakfast habits of children can alter their risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

“This study suggests that if all the children in England who do not eat breakfast daily could be encouraged to do so, it might reduce population-wide fasting insulin levels by about 4%. Moreover, encouraging children to eat a high fibre breakfast, instead of a low fibre breakfast might reduce population-wide fasting insulin levels by 11%–12%. Persuading children to eat breakfast, particularly a high fibre breakfast cereal regularly, could contribute to reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Breakfast cereals are a nutritious and convenient choice for breakfast as they contain a range of micronutrients. Choosing a high fibre breakfast cereal may offer additional benefit to health with regard to type 2 diabetes risk profile.”

For more information log onto:

Not just celebrities get Hepatitis C – new campaign launches

A campaign for testing for the killer liver disease hepatitis C in UK pharmacies is launched today.

Everyone seems to know that Pamela Anderson has Hep C – they even know that Keith Richards, Anthony Kiedis and Marianne Faithful suffer from the disease and Body Shop founder – Anita Roddick was also diagnosed.

But research suggests that over half a million people in the UK could be living with hepatitis B or C without knowing it. In response, the Hepatitis C Trust is calling on health services to introduce testing in pharmacies to ensure the early diagnosis of the disease which could save thousands of lives each year.

Hear Lesley’s story in our video below:


 • Over 500,000 people are living with undiagnosed helpatitis B or C leading to cirrhosis, liver cancer and death

 • People are unaware that taking part in contact sports, sharing toothbrushes and razers can lead to contracting the disease

• After successful pilot pharmacy testing scheme, the Hepatitis C Trust calls for high street testing

Have you ever felt under the weather but the doctor has been unable to diagnose what is wrong with you?

Have you ever shared your partner’s toothbrush or borrowed your friend’s razor?

It is possible that you could be suffering from a disease which is often not tested for… There are estimated to be over half a million people in the UK living with hepatitis B or C without knowing it. The Hepatitis C Trust is calling on health services to introduce testing in pharmacies to ensure the early diagnosis of the disease which could save thousands of lives each year.


Hepatitis C is a blood-borne virus that predominantly infects the cells of the liver. If left untreated, the virus can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and death. There is no vaccine but early treatment can successfully clear the virus in around half of patients and ongoing infection can be managed. The Health Protection Agency estimate that there are around 250,000 hepatitis C positive people in the UK although some estimates put this number as high as 466,000. Only around 70,000 people in England and Wales have been diagnosed.


Hepatitis B can be transmitted through blood and some body fluid contact and is sexually transmitted. A vaccine for hepatitis B is available and treatment is available which can manage but not clear the virus. The Health Protection Agency estimate that there are 180,000 people living with hepatitis B in the UK but The Hepatitis B Foundation estimates this figure is actually 320,000 due to recent immigration trends.


• Regularly shared razors or toothbrushes (with a person who is known to have hepatitis B or C or may have been at risk)

 • Contact sports, fights and a human bite (where they may have come in contact with another person’s blood)

• Tattoos / piercings/ Acupuncture (in unregistered premises or with possibly unsterile equipment or with needles that were not new)

 • Unprotected sex – hepatitis B (not C) • Current sniffing cocaine / past sniffing cocaine (sharing pipes, notes or straws with a person who is known to have hepatitis B or C or may have been at risk)

• Receiving a blood transfusion / blood products / organ transplantation prior to 1991

• Current IV drug use / past IV drug use (including steroids, even once and sharing any injecting equipment)


Last year a viral hepatitis testing pilot project in 19 pharmacies across the country found a hepatitis B or C positive patient in every 6 tests conducted. 19 pharmacies in 5 Primary Care Trust (PCT) areas offered free, on-demand hepatitis B and C dried blood spot tests to clients who had been at risk of contracting viral hepatitis as part of a 3-month pilot project organised by The Hepatitis C Trust. Pharmacists displayed posters and gave clients a leaflet about risk factors to read to filter out the ‘worried well’.

If a client had been at risk they were offered a test which involved pre-test counselling in a private room or area followed by a dried blood spot test. About The Hepatitis C Trust: The Hepatitis C Trust is the national UK charity for hepatitis C. It provides information, support and representation for all those affected by this disease. Started by patients, the majority of its governing Board of Trustees are patients and all of its staff, paid and voluntary, are patients.


The PCTs involved in the study were: City & Hackney PCT, the Isle of Wight PCT, Nottinghamshire Country PCT, Sandwell PCT and Tameside & Glossop PCT. Across the pharmacies a total of 234 tests were conducted, diagnosing 35 people with hepatitis C and 4 people with hepatitis B. This is a significantly higher rate than tests conducted in GPs surgeries, where on average one in 25, as opposed to 1 in 7, identify a person with hepatitis C. Celebrities who have been diagnosed with hepatitis C: Dame Anita Roddick, Pamela Anderson, Keith Richards, Anthony Kiedis, Marianne Faithfull, Natalie Cole.

How Leslie Jenkins, 51, from Bradford caught hepatitis C

Lesley contracted hepatitis C though a blood transfusion when her son was born, 23 years ago. She was given several pints of blood during a difficult labour. About five years ago she started to feel generally unwell and was very tired all the time. For years she would regularly see her GP but all routine tests came back negative. At one visit she saw a locum GP who diagnosed depression without even looking at her file or asking questions. In 2007, Lesley heard about Anita Roddick’s case and started to research hepatitis C herself. She found that she had many of the symptoms and so went back to her GP and specifically requested a hepatitis C test. She was positive. She says she was ‘staggered’ by the lack of knowledge her GP had about the virus. Lesley completed treatment for the virus last year and initially cleared it but it then returned. She recently completed a new course of treatment through a new trial in London. Lesley is campaigning to improve desperately-needed awareness amongst health professionals and for the virus to be taken more seriously by the Department of Health. She recently started working for The Hepatitis C Trust to coordinate volunteers around the country raise awareness amongst GPs about the virus.

UK health experts warn of selenium diet deficiency


London: An intake of 50 micrograms a day of selenium in addition to the usual dietary intake is required to maintain optimal selenium blood levels according to a new UK study.

Commenting on the study and the need for selenium in our diets, Dr Carrie Ruxton, independent nutrition advisor to the Health Supplements Information Service notes: “In the UK, intakes of selenium are low. Data from the 2006 UK Total Diet Study showed that the mean intake of selenium was 48-58 micrograms a day, which is below the UK recommended intake of 75 micrograms a day for men and 60 micrograms a day for women.

Similar findings emerged from the latest UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey (NDNS) in which intakes of selenium fell below the Reference Nutrient Intake (RNI) in both adults and older children. Adult women overall achieved 72% of the RNI. while adult men achieved 74% of the RNI. Around half of adult women and older girls and a fifth of men and older boys had intakes below the Lower Reference Intake (LRNI). Such low intakes are associated with reduced blood levels of selenium and significantly increased risk of mortality in both Europe and the US.

In this new study, the aim was to evaluate the amount of selenium required to establish optimal blood levels of this essential nutrient. A randomized controlled trial was carried out in which 199 healthy men and women aged 50-64 years, living in the UK were divided into 6 groups and studied for 12 weeks. Four groups were given selenium enriched yeast tablets containing 50, 100 or 200 micrograms of selenium each day, or placebo tablets. The other two groups were given either selenium-enriched onion meals, providing 50 micrograms of selenium daily, or unenriched onion meals providing 4 micrograms selenium daily.

Blood levels of selenium increased in all the groups which consumed additional selenium from supplements or diet. There was a significant difference in blood levels of selenium between the supplement group and those taking the placebo tablet. However, there was no significant difference in blood levels between those consuming the enriched meals and those consuming the unenriched meals.

Moreover the blood levels of those taking the 50 microgram tablet increased by 28.3% while the blood level of those consuming the 50 microgram enriched onion diet increased by just 8.6%. This suggests that the selenium enriched diet was much less effective at increasing blood levels than the selenium supplement.

The study concluded that to establish optimal selenium status required the addition of a 50 microgram daily selenium supplement to the usual daily dietary intake of approximately 55 micrograms. These findings suggest that adequate selenium intakes are not being achieved in the UK by diet alone and that either a multi-nutrient or selenium supplement taken daily can help to ensure an optimal selenium status.

RNI: Reference Nutrient Intake. The amount of a vitamin or mineral that is enough to ensure that the needs of nearly all the group are being met.
LRNI: Lower Reference Nutrient Intake. The amount of a vitamin or mineral considered to be sufficient for the few people in a group who have low needs. Most people will need more than the LRNI and if people consistently consume less they may be at risk of deficiency of that nutrient.

Docs closer to polypill for killer disease


A new trial in India has shown that the so-called “polypill” to guard against stroke and heart attack in older people has beneficial results.

The concept of a polypill for everyone over 55 to cut heart disease by up to 80% was mooted over five years ago, but slow progress has been made since.

But critics of pill-popping as a cure for disease say the problems of high blood pressure and cholesterol should be tackled with diet and exercise.

The polypill used in the latest study, published in the medical journal The Lancet, combines five active pharmacological ingredients widely available separately – aspirin, a statin to lower cholesterol and three blood pressure-lowering drugs – as well as folic acid to reduce homocysteine.

Trials were carried out on 2,053 healthy individuals free of cardiovascular disease, but with a risk factor such as high blood pressure or a long-term smoker, showed combining the drugs into one tablet delivered a similar effect to each drug separately.

Reductions were seen in both blood pressure and cholesterol without any major side effects.

The researchers believe that the combined action of all the components in their “Polycap” capsule made by Cadila Pharmaceuticals, could potentially halve strokes and heart attacks in average, middle-aged people.

The study, led by Dr Salim Yusuf, from McMaster University in Ontario, Canada, took in people at 50 centres across India.

A UK team led by Professor Simon Thom of Imperial College London is testing another polypill to see whether it does cut death rates.

They have been testing a four-in-one polypill called the Red Heart Pill, with the backing of the Wellcome Trust and the British Heart Foundation, which could cost as little as 15 euros per person per year.

Professor Thom said it would be at least five years before there was enough data to convince drug regulators to approve a polypill.

“Mounting evidence shows the polypill does exactly what it should, but no more, whereas exercise has wide reaching effects on health and wellbeing. So a polypill is an addition rather than a replacement for lifestyle interventions.”

Just three cups of tea daily reduces stroke risk


London: Daily consumption of three cups of tea a day reduces the risk of stroke and death from stroke, according to the findings of a recent meta-analysis.[1]

The meta-analysis included 10 studies from 6 different countries: China, Japan, Finland, the Netherlands, Australia and the United States. Three of the studies included only women and three only men. Three studies combined the effects in men and women and one study presented its results for men and women separately. These 10 studies included seven populations that drank mainly or exclusively black tea and three that drank mainly green tea.

Commenting on the study from the Tea Advisory Panel, Dr Catherine Hood notes: “These latest health findings are really exciting for all of us tea drinkers. Despite different countries studied and the different tea drinking customs represented across the studies, the meta-analysis showed that tea consumption was associated with reduced risk for stroke and reduced risk of death from stroke. The risk of a fatal or non-fatal stroke in people drinking 3 or more cups of tea a day was reduced by 21 per cent compared to those who did not drink tea.

“Mechanisms by which the tea may protect against stroke could possibly be down to three mechanisms. Firstly, tea has been shown to reduce blood pressure in stroke-prone rats and blood pressure control is the key strategy to reduce risk of stroke in humans. Secondly, tea and the catechins it contains can improve blood vessel function. Thirdly, through the effects of theanine, tea has a protective effect on brain function and may reduce blood vessel damage in the brain.

“In this research, the beneficial effect was not specific to green or black tea, or to the Asian or non-Asian populations in the studies. Moreover, black tea was as effective as green tea in reducing stroke. The authors suggest that their findings may be one of the easiest lifestyle changes to make to significantly reduce the risk of stroke.”

The Tea Advisory Panel: The Tea Advisory Panel is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from the UK TEA COUNCIL, the trade association for the UK tea industry. For further information please call + 44 (0)207 7058989.

Blood pressure drugs help cut Alzheimer’s risk

Chicago: Drugs used to cut blood pressure has been shown to improve the risk of Alzheimer’s.

According to a new US study of angiotensin receptor blockers, or ARBs, which are normally prescribed as a second choice treatment to patients unable to tolerate ACE inhibitors, another class of blood pressure drug, the results are dramatic.

Both drugs work by allowing the blood vessels to the vessels to relax and widen so more blood can flow through them, which cuts blood pressure.

Alzheimer’s is associated with high blood pressure, damaged arteries and amaloid plaques, a type of protein which attaches itself to the neurotransmitters in the brain.

In the new study, an Alzheimer’s conference in Chicago was told, six million patients treated for high blood pressure between 2001 and 2006 were examined by scientists.

Those taking ARBs were 35 to 40 per cent less likely to develop Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia than patients on other medications.

Patients already suffering from Alzheimer’s when they started taking ARBs had a 45 per cent reduced chance of developing delirium, being admitted to a nursing home, or dying prematurely during the period of the study.

Those who had experienced strokes before or during the course of their illness appeared to benefit most from the drugs.

Study leader Professor Benjamin Wolozin, of Boston university medical school, said: ‘For those who already have dementia, use of ARBs might delay deterioration of brain function and help keep patients out of nursing homes. The study is particularly interesting because we compared the effects of ARBs to other medications used for treating blood pressure or cardiovascular disease.’

Alzheimer’s Disease is affecting more and more older adults as people live longer.

Safe salt levels for kids – ask the experts in live webchat


London: Do you worry about what goes into your kid’s food? Do you find it difficult to know which foods are high in additives? Children are very sensitive to what they eat, particularly when it comes to salt intake. Eating a high salt diet in childhood can significantly push blood pressure up meaning children who have an excess of salt in their diet have a higher blood pressure than those who eat the right amount.

To celebrate Salt Awareness Week which takes place from the 28th of January to the 4th of February we’ve got nutritionist Jo Butten coming into the studio. She’s popping in to give you some professional guidance on how to keep your child’s salt intake down. She will also be showing you which foods have a high salt content and which foods are okay to serve up on a regular basis.

Being an expert on the effects certain foods can have on the body Jo will also be able to answer any questions you have on the long-term impact of high salt impact on you and your children. If your child’s diet is an issue that concerns you why not come along and submit a question? Knowing that you are doing everything you can for your child’s health will not only give you peace of mind but will also get you and the rest of the family into better eating practices.

Jo Butten joins us live online at on Monday 28th January at 15:00 (GMT-1) to discuss salt intake for children

If you would like to post a question in advance you can do so online here:”

For more information visit

Scientists closer to growing tiny blood vessels


Boston: Scientists in the US are a closer to creating artificial blood vessels after growing tiny tubes out of stem cells.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology team were able to create cells that formed tubes along a grooved template.

Now they plan to produce capillaries which could be tested in animals, according to a report in the magazine Advanced Materials.

Researchers have already managed to make larger blood vessels , but the creation of tiny capillaries is far more difficult.

The US scientists claim to have made progress towards this, using a “nanoscale” template into which stem cells called endothelial progenitor cells are placed.

The cells detected the grooves and elongated themselves along them, aligning themselves in the same direction.

Adding a gel made of growth factors allowed the cells to grow outwards, forming a series of tiny tubes running parallel to each other.

While these tubes are not yet ready to be put inside a human body, the researchers say they are “very excited” by their potential.

The research was led by Professor Robert Langer, who said: “It provides a new way to create nano-based systems which we hope will provide a novel way to some day engineer tissues in the human body.”

The team now plan to develop capillary tubes which can be inserted into animals to see if they work properly.

The technology may also have other uses such as preventing unwanted growth in cancer and tumours.

US company offers storage of stem cells from menstral blood


US company Cryo-Cell has launched a bank designed for women who want to store their own stem cells, taken from the menstrual blood, as a future health insurance.

Stem cells can be obtained from numerous sources, including the blood, bone marrow and embryos. And a number of private companies, including Richard Branson’s Virgin Health Bank, already offer umbilical cord blood banking for about £1,500.

Cryo-Cell charges a sum of $499 (£238) for processing and a year’s storage of menstrual stem cells.

The woman is sent a collection kit in the post, comprising a cup, collection tubes and a prepaid return shipment to Cryo-Cell.

Menstrual stem cells – which form in the womb lining whichis then shed during a woman’s period – have the advantage of being easily harvested in a painless, non-invasive manner as compared to some other stem cell sources such as bone marrow.

And like other stem cells, early lab work suggests they too have the potential to turn into many other types of cell, including heart, nerve, bone, cartilage and fat, the company claims.

Spokesman for the company, stem cell expert Dr Stephen Noga, director of the Cellular Therapeutics Program, at Sinai Hospital of Baltimore, said: “Even one menstrual cycle has the potential to produce millions of stem cells.

“Current research is very preliminary, but given their properties, we believe these menstrual stem cells demonstrate compelling promise to transform regenerative medicine in the coming years.”

Cryo-Cell says on its website that “realistically, it may take several years for these menstrual stem cells to be developed into potential widely-available commercial therapies”.

Mouth cancer moves up the death league table


London: Cancer of the mouth is on the increase as a result of poor oral hygiene, according to the latest statistics issued during Mouth Cancer Awareness Week.

More than 1700 people die of mouth cancer in the UK each year – obviously the figure worldwide is far larger.

Dentyl pH®, the mouthwash experts, are providing an education grant to support this year’s British Dental Health Foundation’s – Mouth Cancer Awareness Week – 11-17th November 2007. On average mouth cancer now kills one sufferer every five hours, making it one of the fastest growing cancers.

Commenting on the need to raise awareness among the public and professionals of this little-known disease, mouth cancer, Professor Robin Seymour of Newcastle Dental School and spokesperson for Dentyl pH said: “In the UK, more than 4,750 new cases of oral cancer are diagnosed and 1,700 patients die of this cancer every year. Tobacco smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are the main risk factors for the development of oral cancer. Frequently these two risk factors act together.”

“Oral cancer often arises as an ulcer in any part of the mouth, with the tongue and floor of mouth being the common sites. The ulcer is often painless, although it can bleed, but most importantly it does not show signs of healing over two to three weeks. Some oral cancers also develop in white or red patches. Such patches are termed precancerous lesions, and if present they should be closely monitored for any change in size or colour.”

In summary Professor Seymour notes: “Regular dental checkups and good dental care are important factors in recognising and preventing oral cancer. Dentists, hygienists and therapists are used to examining the mouth and associated structures, and hence can recognise any abnormality. All suspicious lesions should be referred for further investigations. Patients at high risk from oral cancer, such as heavy smokers and drinkers, should always be carefully examined for, and questioned about, any lesion that may be recognised as precancerous or potentially malignant.”

This is the first year that Dentyl pH has sponsored the annual Mouth Cancer Awareness Week campaign. Dentyl pH was created as an alcohol-free mouthwash by people who care about mouths; that is, by dentists themselves. As a result, it’s very appropriate that Dentyl pH should be part of a campaign that encourages people to be more aware of their dental health. Mouth cancer is avoidable and early detection can massively increase the chances of survival.

The Dentyl pH is a clinically proven, alcohol free mouthwash. Using groundbreaking technology, Dentyl pH works like no other mouthwash. This is because it is a two-phase mouthwash, which has to be shaken before use. This action causes the essential oils and the antibacterial water phases to mix, creating a special solution, which makes the ‘bad’ bacteria and food debris adhere to the mouthwash solution. As a result, when the mouthwash is expelled from the mouth, bacteria, debris and other dental deposits are all visible in the sink, proving that Dentyl pH really works.

Details of the Mouth Cancer Awareness campaign can be found online at

Mouth hygiene horror facts:

In the UK we still fail to take good care of our teeth and mouths. A recent Adult Dental Health Survey found that:

* only three-quarters of adults (75%) claim to brush their teeth twice a day as recommended

* the average time spent brushing teeth is 46 seconds, far short of the recommended two minutes

* only 2-10% of people floss regularly

* around half of British adults have plaque-related periodontal disease (gum disease)

* more than half of all teenagers and three out of four adults over the age of 35 suffer from gum disease.

Bacterial plaque plays an essential causative role in gum disease, yet it can be removed easily from the teeth by brushing the teeth for two minutes, twice a day, followed by rinsing with a proven mouthwash such as Dentyl pH. Flossing is recommended once a day between brushing and rinsing.

Stroke the silent killer – new guide for victims and carers


Are you at risk from the the third leading killer of young and old alike?

Discover a life transforming view of life after stroke, and discover new and beautiful ways to improve the quality of your life, even in the face of adversity…

Have you already suffered a stroke, or witnessed the struggles of a family member that has suffered, and want supportive, helpful and encouraging information that will allow you to lead an improved quality of life?

Every year for thousands of people stroke becomes a silent killer. For those lucky enough to survive, life following a stroke can be filled with pain, sorrow and feelings of loss and abandonment.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome those feelings and limitations, and discover a new independence; one that you will discover is rich and rewarding.

Each year thousands of people become victims of stroke but can fail to recognize the early warning signs…

• Sudden weakness in your arm, leg or hands.
• The impression that you are not able to feel one side of your face or body.
• Difficulty seeing or experienced temporarily blurriness from one eye.
• Difficulty walking or experiencing balancing problems.
• The worst headache of your life…

If you have experienced one or more of the symptoms above, your life may be at risk. Stroke is increasingly prevalent in modern times. Call your doctor immediately or visit the nearest ER!

The impacts of stroke can be devastating for the more than
700,000 people that suffer from stroke each year.

The good news is when armed with knowledge and information; you can learn to lead an extraordinary life even following a devastating stroke. One of the most important desires stroke survivors have is the ability to regain an independent lifestyle.

How is this achieved? It is often achieved through rehabilitation, support and counselling, as well as caring for one’s individual health related problems following a stroke.

“The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of others…“
Adapted from M. Williamson

Friends and loved ones can also find they are confused about how to cope with a loved one’s loss. Fortunately, there is help and guidance just a moment away. Everyone can learn to heal others and heal their own sense of loss by learning more about life following a stroke.

“Life After A Stroke” is a moving, tell-all guide that teaches survivors, caregivers and close family how to cope with the after effects of a stroke. Using this guide you can learn how to regain some of your independence and improve the quality of your life to the greatest extent possible. It is available in standard and mp3 format for your convenience.

Imagine what your life would be like if you could learn to communicate with others in a sensible, logical and non-frustrating manner after a stroke…

While you may not return to the state of health you were in before, there is much evidence suggesting with proper knowledge and information, you can lead a rich and rewarding life after a stroke.

Are you ready to take back your life, or help another to do so?

Perhaps you are a caregiver looking for guidance and support while caring for a family member or loved one suffering from stroke. No matter the case, you’ve landed in just the right place to find the information you need.

Introducing a Revolutionary New Approach To Healing…Find out how to
improve the quality of YOUR life and that of your loved ones,
by adopting a few simple, common-sense strategies.

In this unique and gentle approach to Stroke, learn everything there is to know about stroke whether a survivor, friend, family member or caregiver.

This important guide contains information that will:

• Educate you about the immediate after – effects of stroke, so you know what to expect and how to overcome setbacks in the early weeks following a stroke.
• Teach you how to set goals following a stroke that will speed the progression of your healing.
• Help you understand what rehabilitation is all about, including what forms of rehabilitation are available and how they can improve your quality of life and standard of living.
• Help you discover and learn new and innovative tools for treating the physical symptoms of stroke, including spasticity and muscle pain.
• Tell you about new ways of treating old problems, including use of a popular cosmetic procedure that may reduce muscle tightness and help improve coordination and balance.
• Teach you what ITB therapy is and how it can improve delivery of targeted medications to your system, so you feel better faster, longer.
• Show you how to set up an individual approach to rehabilitation that aligns with your personal needs, goals and interests.

Learn how to avoid future strokes

Someone who has had a stroke is almost twice as likely to experience another. Learn the 2 most important steps you can take to prevent future strokes and enhance your odds for an improved quality of life following stroke.

Friends, Family and Caregivers

Friends, family and caregivers also need support and guidance during the period of time following a stroke. The good news is in Life After Stroke, you can learn how to communicate and reevaluate each member of a household’s roles, so everyone enjoys an improved quality of life when caring for a loved one.

Most importantly, Life After Stroke offers hope for the future. When you have nowhere else to turn, you always have hope.

You can find more information here:

Blood test for cancer on way

Southampton: Scientists in the UK are working on ‘early warning’ blood test for cancer.

It looks for tell-tale signs in the blood long before symptoms appear and could save thousands of lives every year.

Doctors believe blood tests will revolutionise cancer prevention by offering cheaper and less invasive screening techniques.

The Southampton University research team is looking at blood samples collected by a GP from 11,000 Guernsey women over the last 30 years. Some of the women later developed-cancer, making their records especially valuable. The researchers looked for ‘ biomarkers’ – proteins produced by cancer cells.

Paul Townsend, who is leading the study, said: “Already we have seen significant bio-markers of breast cancer in the samples. The quality of the samples we have from Guernsey has been the key but it is early days.’

He adds: “of the ladies in the samples were healthy at the time but then went on to develop cancer. We are going back through these time capsules to look for things common in their blood that we can identify as a cancer fingerprint. We are trying to find out if we can take a sample from someone that is healthy and see if they could get cancer in the future.

‘We would like to establish a set of rules that we could look for.

‘It is early days in terms of our research but it’s looking very encouraging at the moment. ‘There’s a lot more work to be done but I’m hopeful we could have something in terms of a basic theory quite soon.’

Stylish tester for use by diabetics goes on sale


LifeScan is tackling the social stigma of blood testing for people with diabetes. Recent research* by the company found that a third of all British people with diabetes fail to regularly test themselves, particularly when out and about in public. This is in part because of the embarrassment at using existing monitoring devices, which are conspicuously clinical in appearance.

Many patients refer to the chore of daily blood testing and the embarrassment of devices that draw attention to the fact that they have a health problem as reasons for skipping regular testing, the consequences of which will inevitably be an increase in serious diabetes-related health problems.

To counter this worrying trend, Johnson & Johnson’s LifeScan has created a monitoring device more suited to modern life. OneTouch UltraEasy Colours is much smaller in size and comes in a selection of colours, just like iPods and MP3 players, to help overcome the stigma associated with diabetes and ensure patients feel more comfortable when testing. In colour creative tests conducted in June 2007 for LifeScan with 151 diabetics in the UK by Decision Analyst, more than one in five patients said they would be more inclined to use the OneTouch UltraEasy Colours product as its compact size and sleek non-clinical design offer a more discreet blood testing system that makes regular monitoring feel less daunting.

From today, OneTouch UltraEasy Colours will be available exclusively in over 1,300 Lloyds pharmacies across the UK for one month before becoming available in other retailers.The devices will also soon be available online at

To find a pharmacy go to

Olivier Lechanoine, Marketing Director for LifeScan UK & Ireland , says, “With the OneTouch UltraEasy Colours product, we want to help take the anxiety out of diabetes testing. Not only does the discreet OneTouch LifeScan meter give a simple and accurate reading in just five seconds, but its size and design make it look nothing like the clinical devices you would normally associate with blood glucose testing.”

Diabetes in the UK

The UK has one of the fastest growing rates of diabetes in the developed world, with 3.93% of the population (almost 2.4 million Britons) suffering from diabetes.

At present there are 1.78 million meter users in the UK who collectively have to perform an estimated 810 million vital blood tests per year. However, research by LifeScan reveals that diabetes patients are becoming more and more complacent when it comes to proactive engagement in managing their diabetes.

Worryingly, over a third of diabetes patients do not test as often as recommended by their doctor or health care advisor, largely because of the lifestyles they lead. Whether it is forgetfulness (60%), frustration and inconvenience at having to test (28% respectively), or simply being too busy (22%); hundreds of thousands of patients are putting their lives at risk by neglecting to test at the recommended times.

New OneTouch UltraEasy Colours are available in pink, green and red/black. They are priced at £12.99 excl VAT.

Salt blamed for high blood pressure in 4-year-olds

London: Toddlers as young ad four years, are suffering from raised blood pressure because they are eating too many salty processed foods, UK researchers say.

Campaigners claim this puts youngsters at an increased risk of hypertension in later life – potentially leading to heart disease, strokes and an early death.

The study, published in the Journal of Human Hypertension, was conducted by St George’s University Hospital in London, drew a direct correlation between the level of salt in the diet of children aged between four and 18 and higher blood pressure.

The findings will heap pressure on heart attacks and strokes could be prevented if Britons cut salt intake the manufacturers of children’s snacks and ready meals to reduce the salt levels in their recipes.

A single packet of instant noodles can contain more than the recommended daily maximum salt intake for a child aged four to six.

Just one pack of salt and vinegar crisps is likely to have more than a quarter of a child’s salt quota.

The study looked at the salt intake for more than 1,600 children and teenagers over seven days and then measured their blood pressure.

The study found that for each extra gram of salt eaten by the participants, there was a related 0.4mmHg increase in systolic blood pressure.

Children’s increasingly salty diets are also a source of concern because our food tastes are largely set in childhood. Consequently, those who develop a love of salty food when young tend to keep it in adulthood.

The UK Government experts recommend that children aged four to six should not be eating more than 3g of salt a day, while the figure for youngsters aged seven to ten is 5g.

However, many children are thought to be regularly consuming 9-10g of salt a day, which is up to three times the recommended maximum.

This pattern continues into adult life, when the recommended maximum is 6g of salt a day, but the average for men is 10.2g and 7.2g for women.

One of the study’s authors, Professor Graham MacGregor, said: ‘We know that salt acts as a chronic long-term toxin, slowly putting up blood pressure as we grow older.

“The rise in blood pressure is the major cause of death and disability in the UK.”

Nine in 10 risk high blood pressure

London: About ninety per cent of Britons are at risk from high blood pressure increasing their risk of heart disease, strokes and kidney failure if current rates continue, according to a new report in the medical magazine The Lancet.

The report claims that poor lifestyle choices such as alcohol abuse, smoking, a salt rich diet and lack of exercise have seen the incidence of high blood pressure soar.

High blood pressure also known as hypertension is also being diagnosed in adolescents and children and a global epidemic is being predicted.

Obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes, a poor diet and a lack of exercise all contribute to the condition.

The report says: “Lifestyle factors, such as physical inactivity, a salt-rich diet with high processed and fatty foods, and alcohol and tobacco use, are at the heart of this increased disease burden, which is spreading at an alarming rate from developed countries to emerging economies such as India and China.

“Many patients still believe that hypertension is a disease that can be cured, and stop or reduce medication when blood pressure levels fall. Physicians need to convey the message that hypertension is the first, and easily measurable, irreversible sign that many organs in the body are under attack.

“Perhaps this message will make people think more carefully about the consequences of an unhealthy lifestyle and give preventative measures a real chance.”

High blood pressure is defined as a reading that exceeds 140/90 compared to a normal reading of about 120/80.

The first figure corresponds to the ‘surge’ of blood which occurs with each heart beat whilst the second is the ‘resting’ pressure between beats.

The medical experts also give advice on how best to treat high blood pressure.

They say that patients should take a combination of two or more drugs to control the hypertension plus statin drugs which will reduce cholesterol.

British scientists develop Alzheimer’s blood test

London: British scientists believe they may have developed a blood test to detect the early signs of Alzheimer’s disease.

The scientists at King’s College in London have identified a series of proteins present in the blood of those at highest risk of developing the neurological condition. This offers those who test positive for the proteins to change their diet and reduce their risk of developing the didsease.

The blood test theory has yet to be put to the test and is unlikely to be available to the public for some time.

Studies of the diet link have shown those who eat plenty of food rich in omega-3 fish oils and green vegetables are less likely to get dementia.

In another study at King’s the protein levels in the blood of 500 Alzheimer’s sufferers were compared with those of healthy older people. They were able to identify which proteins were present in higher quantities in those with Alzheimer’s.

At the moment doctors identify victims with a memory test but this only detects the disease once it has taken hold.

British scientists invent jab to end high blood pressure

London: A jab to control high blood pressure has been invented by British scientists.

A third of all adults suffer from high blood pressure which increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

Now Cheshire-based Protherics has created a vaccine, based on a protein found in limpets, which would require patients to have a three-jab course with a booster every six months.

The jab which has already been trialed successfully on humans is is a viable alternative to the current treatment where pills are given. The limpet protein in the new jab attacks a hormone called angiotensin which raises blood pressure by narrowing arteries.

Protherics is planning trials of an improved version of the jab, which is ten times more effective at stimulating the immune system than its original formula.

People who have tried it have suffered few side-effects, although one in ten did complain of a brief, flu-like illness.

A successful jab would guarantee its manufacturers a healthy share of the $24bn (£12bn)spent around the world annually on blood pressure medicines.

Ideally, patients would be given an initial course of three injections, with a week or fortnight between each jab. A booster shot every six months, or even once a year, would keep blood pressure low. The jabs will be offered privately rather than on the UK’s NHS public health service.

Another company, the Swiss firm Cytos Biotechnology is developing a similar vaccine using an empty virus shell to spur the immune system into action.

Zurich-based Cytos, which is also developing anti-smoking, obesity and flu vaccines, has already shown that its jab is effective at lowering blood pressure.

But the reduction was less than that achieved by tablets already available on prescription. Further trials are due to later this year.

In time, the vaccine may be given to ward off problems in young men and women with a family history of heart disease.

Various blood pressure tablets already on the market work by targeting angiotensin, either by cutting production of the hormone or by stopping it from working properly. But many people stop taking the daily tablets simply because there are no obvious signs that they are boosting their health.

Others give up after suffering side effects. Beta blockers, a major type of blood pressure pill, can cause fatigue, cold hands and feet, nausea, diarrhoea and impotence. They have also been linked to the risk of stroke.

La Clinique de Paris offers anti-ageing therapies to City fatcats


London: La Clinique de Paris which offers the ultimate in rejuvenation therapies has opened its first clinic in London. It currently has clinics in Paris, Spain, Italy, Hong Kong, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand and Geneva.

Based on the principle of preventative medicine and well established scientific cellular science, this luxurious and aspirational London clinic has opened at the City Medical Centre in the heart of the City of London at St Helen’s Place, Bishopgate.

It will provide clients with a total anti-ageing and repairing programme individually catered through a series of tests and exemplary medical analysis.

La Clinique de Paris’ clients benefit from looking better and younger; feeling healthier and fitter; with more energy and a significant reduction in stress levels – all with the assurance that they are being treated by the most qualified doctors and endocrinologists in the world with exclusivity, privacy and security.

Many of the changes and weaknesses experienced through ageing are simply due bad nutrition, a multi-deficiency of antioxidants, vitamins, hormones and minerals and poor intestinal permeability and immune system activity.

The clinic’s medical director Dr Claude Chauchard explains: “Man, as indicated in the genetic code found in the cell’s nucleus, is capable of living healthily and robustly for up to more than 120 years. Ageing is a multiple-deficiency disease and is caused in general by hormonal imbalance.”

Dr Chauchard has dedicated his professional life promoting the concept of ‘total ageing management’.

His original concept has proven to radically slow down the main effects of ageing which include tiredness, weakening of the metabolism, loss of skin elasticity; a decrease in heart strength; a demise in memory; weight gain; irregular menstruation; weakening of hair and nail re-growth, bone density and muscle mass.

Through a combination of physical check up and specific blood testing, La Clinique de Paris’ program includes the replacement theory of all hormones; the rebalance of free radical activity; the stimulation of the immune system; a decrease in cardiovascular risk factors; the rebalance of food intake; a complete detoxification of the body and organs;
maintenance and protection of healthy conditions as well as providing a recommended stress control, controlled exercise and optimum diet programmes. This approach ensures that inflammation markers are down and monitored

Clients have the flexibility of a three month, six month or one year programmes depending upon their needs and schedule. The protocols are aimed at promoting:

• Immediate improvement after 1 – 3 months involves the client feeling healthier and energized; a greater ability to cope with stress; sleeping improved; a noticeable reshaping of the body and a correction in primary biochemistry disorders.
• Immediate improvement after 3-6 months involves the client seeing a fully reshaped body; stronger bones; an increase in energy; the rebalance of major body functions such as the urinary tract, hormone level and blood pressure level and biochemistry fully under control.
• Permanent results after 6 months to a year include looking noticeably younger; the re-growth of hair; artery and blood vessels are softer; a stronger immune system and a vitally healthier body. In addition, due to the nature of the treatment, which requires regular appointments to monitor progress and the often changeable
travel schedule of their VIP clients, La Clinique de Paris offers a convenient worldwide network of clinics across Europe and Asia-Pacific.

About Dr Chauchard

Dr Claude Chauchard obtained his doctorate in Endocrinology, Biology and Sports Medicine from the University of Montpelier, France – the oldest medical faculty in the world. He is the founder of the International Institute for Anti-Ageing Medicine and was an Assistant Professor at the University of Montpellier and Assistant Professor atthe University of Seoul.
He is also one of the world’s top specialists in preventative medicine for ageing, and the first to introduce the concept to Asia and the Middle East. He conducts lectures and seminars in Paris, Milan, Brussels, Monte Carlo and other major cities around the world. Dr Chauchard is also an acclaimed author having written 12 books, with one million copies sold worldwide. His client list also boasts a number of celebrities and eminent names.
Contact: Email: info@lcdpi

Pychnolgenol more powerful than drugs in lowering blood sugar, says new report

London: A new study to be published in the journal of Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice reveals that French maritime pine tree extract known as Pycnogenol® (pic-noj-en-all) delays the uptake of glucose from a meal 190 times more than prescription medications, preventing the typical high glucose peak in the blood stream after a meal.

The study revealed the pine bark is more potent for suppressing carbohydrate absorption in diabetes than synthetic prescription
alpha-glucosidase inhibitors such as Precose®. “Diabetes mellitus type II is a serious disease with rising prevalence,” said Dr. Petra Högger, a lead researcher of this study.

“This study is crucial for those suffering with the disease because it affirms that Pycnogenol® is more effective than prescription medication Precose® and supports the abundance of other research done on Pycnogenol® and diabetes.”

The study was conducted at the University of Wurzburg Germany. Dr. Högger investigated the interaction of Pycnogenol® with the enzyme alpha-glucosidase, which breaks down carbohydrates in a meal. Results revealed Pycnogenol® is 190 times more potent for inhibition of alpha-glucosidase than the synthetic inhibitor acarbose, a common prescription medication for treatment of type II diabetes (sold in Europe under the name Glucobay® and the United States under the name Precose™). Pycnogenol® was shown to inhibit the intestinal enzymes (alpha-glucosidase) involved in the digestion of complex carbohydrates such as starch and normal table sugar. The alpha-glucosidase breaks down carbohydrates into glucose molecules which are then absorbed into the blood stream. “The high concentration of procyanidins (flavonoids) found in Pycnogenol® is responsible for demonstrating these excellent results,” said Högger.

According to Högger, the large procyanidin molecules were found to be particularly active for inhibiting the activity of alpha-glucosidase, thus demonstrating such notable results. “The carbohydrates enter the blood stream steadily over prolonged periods of time, which makes meals last longer and prolong satiety.”

In two separate studies conducted in 2004, Pycnogenol® was found to significantly lower blood sugar levels in type II diabetes patients. A study published in the March 2004 edition of Diabetes Care revealed that patients who supplemented with Pycnogenol® experienced lower blood sugar after meals and lower fasting blood sugar.

Another study published in the October edition of Life Sciences revealed a significantly further lowered blood glucose level in patients who supplemented with Pycnogenol® while continuing their anti-diabetic medication with acarbose and metformin.

About Pycnogenol® Pycnogenol® is a natural plant extract originating from the bark of the maritime pine that grows along the coast of southwest France and is found to contain a unique combination of procyanidins, bioflavonoids and organic acids, which offer extensive natural health benefits. The extract has been widely studied for the past 35 years and has more than 220 published studies and review articles ensuring safety and efficacy as an ingredient.

Today, Pycnogenol® is available in more than 600 dietary supplements, multi-vitamins and health products worldwide. For more information, visit

Two drinks a day helps reduce blood pressure in men

Amsterdam: Two alcoholic drinks a day can help men reduce high blood pressure, according to scientists.

As well as the traditional methods of getting healthier body markets such as taking more exercise and cutting amounts of saturated fats and sat, a drink is also recommended following research carried out by Joline Beulens of Wageningen University in the Netherlands.

This latest discovery adds to the mounting evidence that moderate amounts of alcohol are good for health. Wine, for example, contents anti-oxidants, that may have protective qualities and lead to a longer life.

Miss Beulens examined data on 11,711 men with high blood pressure and their incidence of heart attacks, heart disease and stroke between 1986 and 2002. During this period there were 653 heart attacks of which 279 were fatal. Every four years participants filled out a questionnaire including details of how often they drank beer, red wine, white wine and spirits.

The scientists found that the chances of suffering a heart attack were lower among men who consumed one or two drinks a day – one drink was defined as a single glass of wine or a single shot of spirits.

Men, however, are urged not to drink more as this increases blood pressure and heart attack incidence.
However she urged men not to have three drinks a day, as this increases their blood pressure and risk of an attack. ‘Our findings are not a licence to overindulge.’

Israeli scientists grow adult stem cells to cure heart disease

Israeli scientists have successfully grown powerful adult stem cells from those circulating in the blood and returned them to revitalise the hearts of ailing patients.

The details of the clinical trial will be announced at the American Heart Association Scientific Meeting in Chicago later this week. The results give new hope to seriously ill heart patients.

Members of the AHA will be given an abstract of clinical trial results that conclusively demonstrate the efficacy of adult stem cell treatment for end stage cardiac patients.

TheraVitae, the acknowledged leader in stem cell research and development is to present recently concluded trial results that provide dramatic data revealing the improvement in the lives of seriously ill patients.

The founder of Theravitae, Don Margolis, said that a mere half pint of each patient’s blood was extracted in Bangkok and flown to their laboratory in Israel. There, the few adult stem cells were harvested into millions of such cells. A week later those infinitely more powerful cells were injected non-surgically into the patient’s cardio-vascular system.

Standard cardiac measurements and the patients’ own words give eloquent testimony to the positive outcomes of harvesting stem cells from these seriously ill cardiac patients.

Margolis is upbeat that patients can receive the best hospital care available anywhere in the world and a significant number can then return to a new, more normal and healthy life. These findings give new hope to sufferers via clinically proven mainstream medical methods.

About VesCell – A Natural Treatment for Heart Disease

The body has natural ways of healing itself and the cardiovascular system is no exception. Angiogenic Cell Precursors (ACPs) originate in bone marrow and then circulate in the blood vessels. To manufacture VesCell, TheraVitae expands a small number of ACPs harvested from about 250cc of blood into a therapeutic quantity. VesCell is injected either through a coronary artery via catheter, or during surgery, directly into the heart muscle.

A key aspect of VesCell therapy is the advanced cell isolation and expansion technique that allows for the ACPs to be harvested from blood collected in a procedure similar to a common blood donation. VesCell uses a patient’s own adult stem cells to treat Heart Disease and is a viable therapeutic possibility for heart patients without any other treatment option.

Additional Information on Stem Cell Therapy:

VesCell Website:
Stem Cell Therapy Blog:
About TheraVitae

TheraVitae is a private, multinational company focused on using stem cells from the patient’s own blood in order to treat a variety of disorders, especially cardiovascular diseases. The company has already developed a proprietary stem cell technology ‘VesCell’ that is currently being used by hospitals in Thailand to treat patients with Heart Disease. TheraVitae is based in Bangkok, Thailand, Kiryat Weizmann, Israel, Toronto, Canada, Singapore, Taipei, Taiwan and Hong Kong.

TheraVitae Corporate Website:
TheraVitae Thailand
36/72 PS Tower, 21/Fl., Sukhumvit 21
Klongtoey Nua, Bangkok 10110
Phone: +662-664-4290/3
Fax: +662-664-42-89

TheraVitae Israel
7 Pinhas Sapir Street
P.O. Box 4049, Ness Ziona
74140, Israel
Phone: +972-8-9409170
Fax: +972-8-9409167

Milk protein lowers blood pressure

New Orleans: Milk contains a protein that can lower blood pressure significantly.

A trial of 140 patients carried out at Tulane University demonstrated a drop in blood pressure of between trhee and five percent.

The results from this study mean that protein supplements could be used in the prevention and treatment of high blood pressure in the general population.

Just how proteins from milk work is not clear, although it is known that other foods, such as salt, potassium and alcohol, can have an effect on blood pressure.

Now a bigger clinical trial has been launched to investigate the effects and to compare it to proteins found in soy, which researchers believe may have a similar effect.

Those taking part will get 40g of milk or soy protein supplements, or a placebo, for eight weeks.

Will you get dementia?

Stockholm: Scientists have developed a two-minute test that can access the likelihood of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

There are seven lifestyle questions on age, education, health and exercise yield a personal score out of the highest of 15, which is then translated into a personal risk level. The higher the score, the more likely dementia will develop within 20 years.
The aim of the test is to shock those at risk into making lifestyle changes necessary to reduce the danger.

Accuracy is estimated at around 70 per cent The test. Those who score highest are estimated to have a 16 per cent chance of developing the disease while those at the lower end have one per cent, according to a report in The Lancet Neurology.

The number of cases of Alzheimer’s is on the increase and presently there is no cure and no predictive testing other than a genetic test.

Though it is generally recognised that there are some risk factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, not taking exercise, poor diet and high levels of the substance homocysteine in the blood. These may combine years before the disease to create an environment for Alzheimer’s to develop.

The doctors looked at the health of more than 1,400 middle-aged people from Finland to device the scorecard. They looked at their health when they were around 50 and then 20 years later examined them for signs of dementia.

Those who are obese or have high blood pressure or high cholesterol are twice as likely to develop dementia. Scoring badly on all three fronts raises the risk sixfold.

Swedish neurologist Dr Miia Kivipelto, who developed the scorecard, said it could change the face of dementia treatment and gave doctors and patients a better chance in intervention.