Women juggle work & life balance better with age

British women are struggling to bring balance to their lives, with only one in four (27%) saying they successfully juggle the demands of work, family and a social life. But over-40s are the most likely to get it right, with almost one in three saying (31%) saying they strike the right balance and more than half (57%) say they sometimes get it right.

Four out of five (84%) women say there are times when they are trying to keep too many balls in the air and a similar number (81%) fear their frenetic lifestyles could lead to health problems in the future.

Hormonal balance

This worrying picture of women’s health and emotional wellbeing has emerged in polls conducted for Kira, one of the nation’s most trusted names in women’s health and herbal supplements.

The One Poll surveys of 1,000 women — half aged between 20 and 40 and half aged 40 to 60 — found that older women are the best when it comes to resisting the pressure to be perfect, with two out of five (41%) saying it was never an issue, compared to less than a third (29%) of 20 to 40-year-olds

Older women are also less likely to look enviously at their friends’ lives, with almost two out of five (38%) saying this was never an issue, compared to less than a quarter (23%) of the 20 to 40-year-olds.

They are also less likely to fall prey to pressure from social media with only one in 13 (8%) saying online activity made them feel they were being short-changed by life, compared to almost one in five (18%) of the younger women.

Body confidence as we age
Body confidence also grows with age, with seven out of ten (69%) of the older women saying they had no interest in cosmetic surgery or procedures, compared to six out of ten (59%) of the younger group. The 20 to 40 group was twice as likely to want a boob job or new nose, 18% compared to 8% and 10% versus 5%.

However, anxiety about the future was a factor across the board, with almost nine out of ten (89%) women in both age groups saying they worried about what lay ahead. Money and debt was a cause for concern for one in three (32%) and two out of five (45%) admitted they were struggling financially.

Dr Catherine Hood, a women’s health specialist and an advisor to Kira notes: “It’s reassuring that experience brings a little more stability and contentment, but these surveys show women are balancing different demands throughout their lives.

She adds: “The demands of our bodies change too, which is why bone health becomes much more of an issue as we age. Top up vitamins can be helpful during periods of stress or when busy lifestyles makes it difficult to exercise and eat healthily.

“But I would advise any woman over 40 to take special care to protect their bone health with a high calcium supplement such as Kira Body Balance.”

How to find balance, bone health and avoid hormonal blips
Kira Hormonal Balance is a one-a-day food supplement which is great for women on the go as it does what it says on the pack, and helps keep your hormones in balance.

It contains a combination of essential B vitamins, which are important for hormonal metabolism and balance. Vitamins B2, B6, B12, vitamin C and folic acid also help reduce tiredness and fatigue, while vitamins B1, B6, B12, folic acid and pantothenic acid may help to maintain normal mental performance and normal psychological function.

Lifestyle keeps you active in older years

London:  Positive lifestyle choices can pave the way for a healthy old age, new research has discovered.

Fotolia_9734660_XS-2.jpgA study of more than 5,000 people, in Britain and France, aged from 42 to 63, revealed individual behaviours such as staying active, had a small benefit.

Researcher Dr Siverine Sabia, from the University College London, said the study revealed that  the cumulative impact of healthy behaviours on successful ageing – the greater the number of healthy behaviours, the greater the benefit.

Those who were active, ate fruit and vegetables, didn’t smoke and limited their alcohol had the best chance of enjoying n active old age. Participants who engaged in all four behaviours had more than triple the chance of enjoying a healthy old age compared with those who engaged in none.

The study lexamined the records of 5,100 men and women who did not have cancer, heart disease or stroke in the assessment phase during 1991-1994. Those still alive were then re-assessed in 2007-2009.  Of the total participants, 549 had died during follow-up, 953 were classified as successfully ageing while the remaining people aged normally.


    Successful agers were more likely to have a higher education than the normally ageing group – 32 per cent against 24 per cent – and 18 per cent in the deceased group.

    In the study population, five per cent of people did not engage in any of the four healthy behaviours.

    Dr Sabia said: ‘Although individual healthy behaviours are moderately associated with successful ageing, their combined impact is quite substantial.

    ‘Multiple healthy behaviours appear to increase the chance of reaching old age disease-free and fully functional in an additive manner.’

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    Positive lifestyle changes in older age adds years to lifespan

    Stockholm.  Making positive lifestyle changes in older age can years to your life, according to new research from Sweden.
    The study included 1,810 men and women who were at least 75 years old as part of the Kungsholmen Project, which examined dementia and aging. The researchers at the Karolinska Institutet interviewed participants about their smoking status, alcohol intake, leisure activities, social networks, chronic diseases and other factors. The group was followed for 18 years, during which 91.8 percent died.
    They discovered the following:
    • Half of the participants survived longer than 90 years of age
    • Not surprisingly, women and nonsmokers lived longer than men and current smokers
    • Subjects who regularly engaged in physical activity lived a median of two years longer than those who did not
    • Those who consumed alcohol lived a median of 1.3 years more than those who were never drinkers. 

    Men and women who had a low risk profile, characterised by healthy lifestyle behaviours; participation in one or more leisure activities and having a rich social network (defined as living with a spouse, being in regular contact with children, and having daily to weekly contact with relatives and friends) or a moderate social network (defined as having two of the three elements of a rich social network) lived a median of 5.4 years longer than those who had a high risk profile that included none of these factors. 

    When the subjects were analysed according to gender, men with a low risk profile lived a median of six years longer and women five years longer in comparison with those who had a high risk profile. And in an analysis of those 85 years of age or more, a low risk profile still conferred a median age of death that was 4.7 years older than that of subjects with a high risk profile.
    The researchers conclude: “To the best of our knowledge this is the first study that directly provides information about differences in longevity according to several modifiable factors,” the authors write. “Our results suggest that encouraging favourable lifestyle behaviours even at advanced ages may enhance life expectancy, probably by reducing morbidity.”
    Dr Debora Rizzuto from the Institutet commentsL  “Studies have shown that lifestyle factors such as smoking, alcohol consumption, and body weight (both underweight and overweight), can predict mortality in elderly people. 
    “However, it is uncertain whether these associations are applicable to the oldest old. Indeed, studies have indicated that the relation between certain lifestyle factors and mortality may differ among those aged 75 or older compared with younger adults.”
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    Genome scientist supports DNA mapping for killer diseases

    Washington: The American scientist who became the first to decode the human “Genome” – the DNA code for every cell in the human body – is to become the first person to map all of his own DNA.

    Craig Ventor, aged 60, has already started to tailor his diet and lifestyle after discovering through DNA testing that he is susceptible to a number of hereditary illnesses such as cardiovascular disease and possible blindness and even mad cow disease.His father, for example, died at the age of 59 from cardiac arrest.

    In a report in The Sunday Times he says that when people know their own genetic code they are no longer an average statistic. He also said that whilst knowing this information was helpful in making lifestyle changes there are a number of other factors that influence health outcome.

    Ventor who heads the non-profit Craig Ventor Institute, a science centre in Rockville, Maryland in the US, wants DNA mapping to become available for all. He predicts that this will happen within the next decade.

    Tatu Cutillas – lifestyle therapist UK

    Tatu Cutillas www.tatucutillas.com is one of the UK’s leading therapists. She is a specialist in personal change and has been trained by experts around the world in a variety of disciplines. Tatu is a trainer in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Time Line Therapy. She is also a Master Hypnotist and a Qualified Addictions Psychotherapist. Tatu has worked in therapy for over twenty years and runs her own private practice in Chelsea. She treats a range of individuals from across Europe, from home makers to business people to those in the creative arts. She has also worked at the renowned Priory Clinic in Roehampton, where she has also treated some celebrities.

    Tatu has a degree in International Law and practised International Private Law prior to following her passion for therapy. She is a member of The American Board of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), The American Board of Hypnotherapy, NAADAC, the Eating Disorder Association, and The Time Line Therapy Association.

    Tatu works resolving a wide variety of issues, such as addictions, traumas and behavioural problems. She specialises in Personal Breakthroughs. She deletes negative emotions such as anger, sadness, fear and guilt that people often harbour unnecessarily.

    Tatu has a unique approach. She has an extraordinary degree of success with clients, many resolving life long issues such as limiting thinking, limiting decisions and beliefs, and phobias, within a matter of hours.

    She also empowers patients to deal with addictions and other behaviours that are unsupportive to themselves, through using an array of highly effective techniques including Hypnosis, Eye Movement Trauma Therapy, Time Line Therapy™ and Neuro Linguistic Programming.* These sorts of therapies sometimes require weekly treatment:

    “Few practitioners nowadays seem to treat people as a full package. Life coaches, for example, will tell their client to forget the past and to simply focus on securing future goals. Some therapists become so engrossed in their client’s past that they are then unable to free themselves for a healthy future. What is important is for an individual to become balanced and healthy, on spiritual, mental, emotional and physical levels. I assume the roles of both the mother and the father when working with clients. This realistic approach uses the role of the mother to address the emotional and often wounded side of the client. The role of the father then focuses on success, drive, motivation, performance and goals. In exercising these roles, a balance is reached that results in outstanding achievements and success.

    In order to work most effectively as an individual and achieve your maximum potential it is important you clean out all the rubbish that is holding you back and create space to let the real you emerge and be empowered. Physical health is not enough. Although diet and exercise creates a healthy lifestyle, an individual’s emotional health is just as important if not more so. A balance in a person’s being on all four levels, emotional, spiritual, mental and physical, has to be established in order for the individual to be complete and whole. I eliminate the blocks and limiting beliefs to create more energy within a person’

    Tatu Cutillas, Master Practitioner and Therapist

    Examples of conditions that can be treated are; Personal Breakthroughs (enhancing both performances and results in specific areas like sports, career, relationships, couples communication etc), Phobias, Anxiety & Panic Attacks, Depression (including Post Natal), Lack of Motivation & Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Career Blocks, Smoking Addiction, Bipolar Affective Disorders (manic and depressive states), Eating disorders, Change of Life Issues, Marital & Family Therapy, Adolescent & Parenting Issues, Alternative Lifestyle Issues, Obsessive Compulsive Disorders and Psychosomatic Disorders. Tatu is also a professional Life Coach.

    As well as traditional therapy and counselling Tatu Cutillas offers the following therapies:

    Hypnosis. Unlike conventional therapy that can be lengthy and only allows people to vent their anger by talking their problems through, Tatu uses hypnosis to address issues and process emotions. Hypnosis opens the mind, so that perceptions can be altered. By motivating the person and stimulating change, the process of using hypnosis as a form of therapy means the treatment is very fast.

    Eye Movement Trauma Therapy (EMTT). This is particularly effective to help Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. The brain naturally processes thoughts and feelings when a person sleeps (REM Rapid Eye Movement) The eyes track that movement until a thought or feeling comes to mind. When the brain fails to successfully process a trauma however, it gets stuck in the Central Nervous system. This results in the body thinking the individual in still constantly in danger and so that individual becomes unbalanced on many levels. EMTT facilitates the processing of information, reframing memories in a more useful and effective way, re-training the brain to use the eyes to track thoughts and emotions.

    Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP). This technique uses pragmatic models to quantify how we process information, how we structure our thoughts and how these thoughts affect our behaviour. NLP allows individuals to tap into this, transforming, adapting or releasing negative beliefs into strong positive behaviours. NLP is particularly useful for business men and women, creating positive mental states. This is particularly useful for business people creating positive mental states conducive to outstandingly successful behaviours.

    Time Line Therapy™ is a sub branch of NLP. An individual’s Time Line is the location in which all memories are stored unconsciously. Time line Therapy™ allows the client to work at the unconscious level enabling the to organise and differentiate between past memories and future projection. This technique allows individuals to have true choice (as opposed to being driven by compulsions and emotions) in their life and delete the barriers and limiting decisions in order to achieve what they want and what they need.

    Personal Breakthroughs. A breakthrough session combines the techniques of Hypnosis, EMTT, NLP and Time Line Therapy™. Using Detailed Personal History (DPH) NLP language patterns are integrated to help the client discover the true unconscious root cause of the problem or situation. From here Hypnosis, EMTT and Time Line Therapy™ are used to release negative emotions and behaviours unearthed in the client’s unconscious. With the past cleared and the client’s motivation geared 100% to the future, Time Line Therapy™ is used to create simple, realistic, achievable goals and place these in the client’s future memories. The length of Breakthrough sessions depends very much on the individual and their situation. This can be achieved within a few hours.