Forever Young – can you really reverse ageing? Ask the experts today


Forever Young? Log into our WebTV Show today for revolutionary advice on anti-ageing without creams or cosmetic surgery…

Show date: Tuesday 8th September
Show time: 3:00pm – 3:15pm

We are a society that is obsessed with physical appearance and the battle to stay looking ‘forever young’ is one aspect of that. However, the missing key to the anti-ageing process has now been unlocked, with facial muscle care now being shown to be the vital ingredient to naturally restoring the youthful appearance of the face.

Many women will go a long way to preserve their facial beauty. Avoiding the sun, treating your skin and eating and drinking healthily are all universal factors in the battle against the aging process. In fact, the average British woman spends hundreds of pounds a year on beauty products – and some will even resort to cosmetic surgery in a bid to beat the signs of ageing.

Today there are many alternatives to going under the surgeon’s knife and the findings about facial muscle toning is heralding a revolution in terms of helping to delay the ageing process in a natural way.

While muscles in the face and the body naturally waste as we get older, the majority of women are unaware that as part of their beauty regime they should not only be toning their skin, but they should also be toning their facial muscles too which will help provide a visible and natural face-lift without the need for surgery.

Our live and interactive WebTV Show will show you how you can keep your face looking younger through muscle-toning without the need for expensive treatments or cosmetic surgery – and will include a look at the new Slendertone Face, which has been tried, tested and approved by the European Medical Device Directive.

So if you want to know how best to keep your facial muscles toned to reduce your crow’s feet or smooth out frown lines, submit your questions before the chat.

Dr Trish Smith, the CEO of Slendertone, and Margret Dalton, who’s tried and tested Slendertone Face, join us live online at ForeverYoung on Tuesday 8th September at 3:00pm to tell us how we can keep our facial muscles toned to reduce the chances of your age being guessed in the wrong direction again.

Click here to submit questions before the chat Submit Your Questions

For more information visit

Pollen extract cuts menoapause symptoms – new study


Pollen extract could be used to help ease menopausal symptoms for women during the time of the menopause, new research has revealed*.

The 10 month trial, published in a recent issue of Genesis: The Journal of Genetics and Development, studied 417 menopausal women taking two tablets a day of Femal – a specialised formulation of nutritional flower pollen extracts – at Bordeaux University in France.

The results indicated:

A significant reduction in the frequency of hot flushes by 65%
A reduction in the frequency of night sweats by 64%
The intensity of hot flushes was reduced amongst participants by 64%
The discomfort of night sweats was also reduced by 67%
A clear improvement in irritability and fatigue was noted and quality of sleep improved by 47%
93.5% of the participants felt the supplementation was effective in improving discomfort of symptoms associated with the menopause

Christian Lebreton from Hirapharm which manufactures Femal, commented: “Adding to an already impressive body of evidence supporting the benefits of pollen extract for women experiencing PMS or the menopause, this study confirms the extremely positive indications of supplementation for the 75% of Western women who suffer with menopausal sysmptoms”.

Femal contains two special extracts of standardised pollen combined with vitamin E, formulated to support women’s health throughout the life stages from the start of womanhood to maturity. Femal is available from Boots and independent pharmacies priced around £16.00. For further information about Femal, contact UK telephone number + 44 (0)1372 379828.


* Assessment of the tolerance and effectiveness of a food supplement Serelys (Femal) for menopausal women. Elia, D., and Mares, P., 2008. Genesis, 135, November 2008


Femal, Scandinavia’s number one selling formula, is the result of 10 years of research and development that began with the biochemical analysis of more than 400 plants. Clinical research and development has consistently established the health benefits of seven specific nutritional flower extracts and their role in supporting women’s health.

Flowers are glorious manifestations of nature’s healing and balancing power, offering us health and vitality. Pollen is nutrient-dense and guarantees the proliferation of the plant world and our healthy existence. Femal gives you the essence of pollen in 100% bioavailable form.

Vitamins, carotenoids, flavonoids, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids, enzymes phytosterols and prostaglandins all form a part of pollen, making it the perfect building material for our cells. Femal helps safeguard the intake of these nutrients on a daily basis.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will pollen cause an allergic reaction?

The pollen extracts in Femal have been specially treated to ensure minimal risk of allergic reaction. Most allergic reactions to pollen are caused through airborne particles that then cause irritation of the airways. Since food supplements are digested, this reaction would be unlikely.

How many do I take?

It is recommended that two tablets per day would be the best intake, particularly when taking Femal for the first time. This intake can be adjusted to one tablet per day to suit individual requirements. This may be most comfortable with a glass of water or fruit juice in the morning.

Can I reduce the intake?

Everyone is different and therefore will have different requirements. However, some women find that they can reduce their long term usage down to one tablet a day once they have been taking Femal for a time. If at some point you feel that your requirements have changed and you feel reverting to a higher dose would be appropriate than it is perfectly acceptable to take two tablets for a three month period. It is not advised to exceed the recommended intake.

How long can I take Femal for?

As with many food supplements Femal is intended for use regularly over time and on a daily basis. Most women find that after three months the two tablets per day dose can be adjusted to one tablet per day. Femal is designed to be taken throughout a woman’s adult life and may therefore be used during the monthly cycle and during and after menopause. As a food supplement, it should be taken in addition to a varied and balanced diet and healthy lifestyle and should not be a substitute for either of these important aspects of healthy living.

Can I take Femal alongside medications?

It should be OK to take Femal alongside any medicines. However, should you have any concerns do consult your doctor.

Can I use Femal whilst pregnant and or when breastfeeding?

It is recommended that pregnant women and those breastfeeding should stop taking the product during this time. Whilst this is precautionary, if in doubt you should consult your doctor.

What other measures can I take?

You have already taken some steps in reading this. Supplementing your diet may provide your body with additional nutrients during its natural changes.

This may also be the time to look at your lifestyle and how this may affect your dietary needs, such as eating at least five fruit and vegetable servings per day and maybe reducing caffeine and alcohol consumption. Exercise is another important aspect in helping to keep your body in optimum health and you may want to consider how this may be incorporated in your daily routines. Keeping a diary may help to monitor your success.

Healthy lifestyle boosts anti-ageing enzyme


Los Angeles: A healthy diet, taking regular exercise and relaxing can boost levels of a longevity enzyme, say scientists.

In a new study scientists measured levels of the telomerase enzyme in men who were required to make positive lifestyle changes. The men were suffering from low-risk prostate cancer.

The patients ate a diet low in sugar and fats and rich in whole foods, fruits and vegetables. They were also required to walk at least 30 minutes daily and take part in anti-stress exercises.

The researchers, whose report has appeared in the medical journal, The Lancet Oncology, measured the amount of the enzyme after three months. The results revealed that levels in the blood has increased by 29 per cent , along with a drop in LDL(bad) cholesterol.
The bottom line is that the enzyme helps support the length of telomeres – these are tiny protectors of the DNA and keep inflammation and other ageing activity away from them. The length of telomeres is an indicator of biological ageing.

As people age, their telomeres get shorter and they become more susceptible to certain illnesses which are associated with ageing.

Experts believe this process is at the heart of many age-related diseases, and may even place a final limit on human lifespan.

Professor Dean Ornish, of the Preventive Medicine Research Institute, Sausalito, California, who led the study, said increases in telomerase levels were beneficial and could be quickly changed.

He said: “To our knowledge, we have reported here the first longitudinal study showing that comprehensive lifestyle changes – or any intervention – are significantly associated with increases in cellular telomerase activity levels.

“The implications of this study are not limited to men with prostate cancer.Comprehensive lifestyle changes may cause improvements in telomerase and telomeres that may be beneficial to the general population as well.Larger studies are needed.”

Japan has most centenarians

Tokyo: The number of Japanese living beyond 100 has more than doubled over the past six years to a record high of more than 36,000 this year, with women in the majority.

By the end of this September, Japan will have 36,276 people aged 100 years or older, surpassing last year’s 32,295. Women account for 86 percent of the total, according to figures from the Health and Welfare Ministry.

Each new centenarian will receive a letter from the prime minister and a silver cup.

Japan has one of the world’s longest life expectancies – nearly 86 years for women and 79 years for men.

The number of centenarians has been on the rise for nearly 40 years, and accelerating its pace after surpassing 10,000 in 1998, the ministry said.

Japan’s centenarian population is expected to reach nearly 1 million – the world’s largest – by 2050, according to UN projections.

A 113-year-old woman from the southern island of Okinawa, where the elderly have the highest longevity, is the country’s oldest.

Although she requires assistance to carry out her daily activities, she enjoys going outside in a wheelchair with a nurse, the ministry said.

Japan’s oldest man, Tomoji Tanabe, 112, from the southern area of Miyazaki, says he follows a rigorous health regime. He rises early, reads newspapers every morning and drinks milk in the afternoon, and keeps a diary every evening.

Okinawa has the highest concentration of centenarians, with 838, or 61 for every 100,000 people. That is far above a nationwide average of just over 28 per 100,000.

The ratio for Tokyo is about 25 in 100,000, and that for the US is about 10 per 100,000. As of the end of last year, China, with a population of 1.3 billion, had 18,000 centenarians.

Can human lifespan be extended by 45%?

Madrid: The human lifespan could be extended by up to 45 per cent if tests on mice can be replicated in people.

As well as a longer life the dicovery could also mean one where people suffer less serious diseases.

Scientists have made a genetic breakthrough which they claim could extend human life and and left them free from tumours.

The researchers, at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), carried out an experiment in which they inserted three genes, known for their longevity benefits into the stem cells of mice.

The extra copies of the genes – telomerase, P53 and p16, improves the body’s function and immunity to disease, including cell mutation which occurs more frequently in ageing adults.

The technique is a new breakthrough because the scientists managed to extra copies of both p53 and p16 into the mice, which has never been achieved before. It is also the first time that scientists have been able to extend the life of mice in this way while protecting them against cancer.

The modified mice were allowed to breed to strengthen their new DNA pattern, which created a group of ‘supermice’ with longer lifespans and in-built cancer protection.

It is thought the researchers managed to create mice which lived to around four-and-a-half years. Normally, they live for an average of three years – the equivlent of a human living to 125.

Chief researcher Maria Blasco, one of Spain’s leading scientists, said that the elixir of eternal youth is now a Utopian dream.

“The discovery opens the door to the possibility that humans could live 125 years and without cancer.’

Running slows ageing


New York: Scientists at the Stanford University Medical Center have found that jogging can slow down the ageing process.

In a study that lasted two decades they found that elderly joggers were half as likely to die prematurely from conditions like cancer than non-runners.

They also enjoyed a healthier life with fewer disabilities, according to the study which is published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

The work tracked 500 older runners for more than 20 years, comparing them to a similar group of non-runners. All were in their 50s at the start of the study.

Nineteen years into the study, 34% of the non-runners had died compared to only 15% of the runners.

Both groups became more disabled with age, but for the runners the onset of disability started later – an average of 16 years later.

The health gap between the runners and non-runners continued to widen even as the subjects entered their ninth decade of life.

Running not only appeared to slow the rate of heart and artery related deaths, but was also associated with fewer early deaths from cancer, neurological disease, infections and other causes.

And there was no evidence that runners were more likely to suffer osteoarthritis or need total knee replacements than non-runners – something scientists have feared.

At the beginning of the study, the runners ran for about four hours a week on average. After 21 years, their weekly running time had reduced to around 76 minutes, but they were still seeing health benefits from taking regular exercise.

Lead author Professor James Fries, emeritus professor of medicine at Stanford, said: “The study has a very pro-exercise message. If you had to pick one thing to make people healthier as they age, it would be aerobic exercise.

“The health benefits of exercise are greater than we thought.”

Is 100 the new 80?


Centenarians have become the fastest-growing demographic in Australia, creating a new boom generation of sprightly golden oldies.

At last count, 3154 Australians are currently aged 100 or older, with one-third of them from New South Wales.

But the latest forecasts estimate this will spiral to 12,000 by 2020 and 50,000 by 2050, according to new research published in the Medical Journal of Australia.

This will also mean more “super-centenarians” aged 110 or older, as well as more “semi-super-centenarians”, from 105 to 109.

Shattering the stereotype of immobile elderly people, more than half of the centenarians live in their own homes rather than in care homes.

Women are far more likely to reach 100, accounting for 75 per cent of the total, but male centenarians tend to be healthier, more independent and are far less likely to suffer from Alzehimer’s or dementia.

The study, by Professor Robyn Richmond, a NSW University public health expert, found Australia has one of the highest proportion of centenarians.

Japan, with more than 30,000 centenarians, has traditionally been associated with longevity but, according to Prof Richmond’s study, only Norway, Sardinia (Italy) and the US have a similar rate of over-100s to Australia.

Professor Richmond attributed the rising longevity to improved survival from diseases and improving health and lifestyles for the elderly.

“Many Australians are unaware of how many centenarians there are and how little we know about them,” she said. “It is amazing that these extremely enduring old people, whose lives carry a wealth of history, are living among us – and yet we appear to have largely ignored their effect on our society.”

She called for targeted government policies to address the social, medical and financial impact of living to 100 years and beyond.

“The consequences of the demographic transition need investigation by health policy-makers and economists,” she said.

“We need a better understanding of changes in disability prevalence, in order to make estimates of the likely short- and long-term cost implications.”

Declining fertility rates, with low population growth in younger age groups, also helped make centenarians the fastest-growing group.

Over 25 years, centenarian numbers have grown by 8.5 per cent a year.

In comparison, the number of children has grown by a meagre 0.3 per cent. Even the elderly population, aged between 80 and 99, has risen by only 4.9 per cent over the same period, the report showed.

US scientists on track of elixir of youth


Los Angeles: Scientists in California have used biochemical signals to rejuvenate elderly bodily tissues in mice.

Research by Dr Morgan Carlson, published in the journal Nature, was overseen by Irina Conboy, associate professor at UC Berkeley.

Professor Conboy said: “We don’t realize it, but as we grow our bodies are constantly being remodeled. We are constantly falling apart, but we don’t notice it much when we’re young because we’re always being restored. As we age, our stem cells are prevented, through chemical signals, from doing their jobs.”

“When old tissue is placed in an environment of young blood, the stem cells behave as if they are young again,” according to the Berkeley press release.

Essentially, the Californian researchers were able to persuade muscle tissues in some mice that they were young again.

“Interestingly, activated Notch competes with activated pSmad3 for binding to the regulatory regions of the same CDK inhibitors in the stem cell,” said Professor Conboy.

“We found that Notch is capable of physically kicking off pSmad3 from the promoters for the CDK inhibitors within the stem cell’s nucleus, which” – as any fool would realise – “tells us that a precise manipulation of the balance of these pathways would allow the ability to control stem cell responses.”

Altering the Notch and pSmad3 levels using “an established method of RNA interference” allowed Conboy and Carlson to manipulate TGF-beta proteins and fire up the dormant stem cells of a group of elderly mice.

“When we are young, there is an optimal balance between Notch and TGF-beta,” according to Conboy. “We need to find out what the levels of these chemicals are in the young so we can calibrate the system when we’re older. If we can do that, we could rejuvenate tissue repair for a very long time.”

Read more at Pathways to the Fountain of Youth

Exercise may help menopause symptoms


New York: A regular brisk walk may help women going through menopause improve their mental well-being, a new study suggests.

Researchers found that middle-aged women who exercised regularly had lower levels of stress, anxiety and depression around the time of menopause than those who did not exercise regularly.

The findings, published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Medicine, add to evidence that physical activity can benefit mental, as well as physical, health.

“With the aging population, physical activity represents one way for women to stay mentally healthy,” Dr. Deborah B. Nelson, the lead researcher on the study, said in a statement. “Physical activity can help throughout the menopausal transition and afterwards,” added Nelson, a public health researcher at Temple University in Philadelphia.

The findings are based on data from 380 Philadelphia women who were 42 years old, on average, and premenopausal at the beginning of the study. Eight years later, 20 percent were menopausal and another 18 percent were in the late transitional phase.

The researchers found that women who got moderate to high levels of exercise reported lower stress levels than inactive women did. Among postmenopausal women, those who exercised regularly had lower stress levels and were less likely to have anxiety and depression symptoms.

Exercise did not, however, seem to protect women from the physical symptoms of menopause, including hot flashes.

“Physical symptoms like hot flashes will go away when you reach menopause,” Nelson said, “but mental health is something women still need to think about postmenopause.”

Importantly, Nelson pointed out, women need not work out intensely to get a mental and emotional lift.

“In the urban setting, these women walked outside on city blocks or in shopping malls,” she said. “Groups could organize to take walks after dinner. It didn’t require going to the gym.”

Dr Nick Delgado – California

10% discount on Gold Rejuvenation Programme

Dr Nick Delgado PhD, CHT is a leading authority on anti-ageing and sexual medicine. He also specialises in hormone replacement therapy and nutraceuticals to aid rejuvenation.

To find out more:

Experience the latest advances in anti-ageing at the THE VITALITY SHOW 2008


London: Experience the latest health, beauty & well-being innovations all under one roof! Olympia March 27-30 2008.

For the latest trends in health, beauty and well-being in 2008, why not book yourself and your best friend tickets for the ultimate girl’s day out, The Vitality Show with Muller ®? Jam-packed with lots of great brands, experiential show features and experts all under one roof, The Vitality Show is the ‘must go’ event for women in the UK.

Brands such as Dermalogica, Benefit Cosmetics and Aveda will be showcasing the very latest innovations, products and ideas enabling women to get a sneak preview of what’s hot and what’s not for 2008. Not only a great shopping event, with loads of great brands all together the show’s new experiential features include: The Happiness Theatre where visitors can attend happiness and friendship workshops; The Fitness Arena complete with trampolines for visitors to try out, free hair consultations and styling courtesy of the award winning Hobs Salon and the Luxury Beauty Hall; as well as the ever popular fabulous Fashion Catwalk.

World class experts will also be on hand to offer advice and insights across the world of health, beauty and well-being ensuring visitors to the show can pick up hot tips to take home and share with their friends.

The Vitality Show with Muller®, is Europe’s largest health, beauty and well-being show is back bigger and better than ever.

For a day packed with the latest and best in beauty, health and well-being, as well as inspirational advice, secrets, hints and tips from the experts, make The Vitality Show 2008 top of yours and your best friend’s diary!

Tickets to the show cost £17 on the door or £14 in advance. For further information visit the website or book your tickets by calling 0844 415 4416 (within the UK).

Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, Harley Street, London


20% discount on all treatments
Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
98 Harley Street
T: + 44 (0)20 7935 0986

About the Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
The Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, offers the best advice and treatments to protect, repair and cosmetically enhance the appearance and texture of your skin, all from our conveniently located clinic, in the heart of London. Dr Aamer Khan is one of the most experienced medical professionals in the UK in the field of injectables and beauty aesthetics, including fillers and body sculpting such as SmartLipo.

About Makeover Miles


ELIXIR MAKEOVER MILES – PINK (UK products and services)

ELIXIR MAKEOVER MILES gives you exclusive access to the best beauty and aesthetic practitioners in the UK and elsewhere in the world.

Our privilege card gives you discounts (10-25%) in the best clinics and salons of Harley Street, Knightsbridge and Belgravia and elsewhere. You also have the assurance that the practitioners and clinics who are included in this scheme are all known to us and have the highest professional ethics and reputation. In addition you will be helping a major UK charity, Changing Faces, which helps to manage both the distress of facial disfigurement and manage our perceptions of it – 10% is donated from each membership. Membership costs $102 (£50) for the pink privilege card(UK services ) and $202 (£100) (international services) for the platinum.

For every £250 spent you will receive a Makeover Mile which entitles you to spent it on range of free beauty gifts – so, for example one Makeover Mile would entitle you to pick a gift such as a face cream with a retail value of £25 etc. You will be able to pick from a selection of gifts in our regular newsletter update.



Buy your ELIXIR privilege card online at

These are just some of the treatments and conditions that you will be able to receive at a discount using the ELIXIR MAKEOVER MILES PINK (Terms and Conditions Apply). Please note that no surgery/cosmetic surgery forms part of this offer or is being offered by us:

Acne Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Aesthetic Fillers Harley Street Skin Clinic London; BA Clinic London Cosmedics London,
Aesthetic procedures for men BA Clinic London
Age TestingDr Daniel Sister, Beauty Works West Nottinghill London
Amelan TreatmentHarley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Anti-Ageing therapiesDr Daniel Sister, Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
BIOLUSTRE HAIR REJUVENATIONPaul Edmonds Hair & Beauty Knightsbridge
Blue Vein TreatmentBeauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
BotoxHarley Street Medical Skin Clinic London, BA Clinic London, Cosmedics London; Dr Daniel Sister, Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Carboxy Skin RejuvenationHarley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London; Dr Daniel Sister, Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
CelluliteThe Face & Body Clinic Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London;
Cheek EnhancementHarley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London;
CosmeceuticalsDr Denese of New York
Cosmetic LaserHarley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London
Cosmetic Radio SurgeryHarley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Dental – Harley Dental Implant Centre, London;
Dental Implants – Harley Dental Implant Centre, London; Forma Cosmetic Dentistry, London
Dermaquest Lip Plumper – SkinGenesis, Chester, Leeds & Manchester
DETOXNosh Detox (delivery within M25 area)
EVLT Laser- Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London
Endermology – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Facial Peels – Harley Street Medical Skin ClinicSkinGenesis, Chester, Leeds & Manchester
Facials – Brigitta Lark Bespoke Organic Beauty
For Men Only – BA Clinic London
Gel Nails – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Hair Beauty – Neville Hair & Beauty Belgravia, LondonKarine Jackson, Covent Garden, London
Hair Removal – The Face & Body Clinic, LondonHarley Street Medical Skin Clinic Cap City Cosmetic
Hair Restoration (surgical and non-surgical)- The Harley Street Clinic
Invisalign (invisible dental brace) – Forma Cosmetic Dentistry, Harley Street, London
Hormone Balancing – Dr Daniel Sister, Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Indian Head Massage – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Laresse – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, Cosmedics
Laser Micro Peel – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Laser Hair Removal – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Laser Teeth Whitening – SkinGenesis, Chester, Leeds & Manchester
Lunchtime Peel – SkinGenesis, Chester, Leeds & Manchester
Manicure – Neville Hair & Beauty, Belgravia, London
Massages – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Medical Peels – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Medical Microdermabrasion – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Mesoglow (surgilift) – BA Clinic London
Microdermabrasion – SkinGenesis, Chester, Leeds & Manchester
Mole & Skin tag removal – Cosmedics, London
Obesity Management- Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Organic Facial rejuvenation – Brigitta Lark Bespoke Organic Beauty, Mayfair, London
Organic Hair Colour – Karine Jackson, Covent Garden London
Oral Hygiene – Harley Dental Implant Centre, London
Osteopathy – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Mineral Makeup – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London
Nutraceuticals –
Pedicure – Neville Hair & Beauty, Belgravia London
Personal Training – Karl Johnson Personal Training – Birmingham
Photo Rejuvenation – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London
Reflexology –
Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London;
Restylane – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, Cosmedics
Riding, yoga and spa holidays – The Riding Company
Sculptra – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, Cosmedics
Semi-Permanent Makeup
Smartlipo – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London
Snoring – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, Harley Street, London
Surgiderm – BA Clinic, Knightsbridge, London
Surgilips – BA Clinic, Knightsbridge, London
Surgilift – BA Clinic, Knighsbridge, London
Tanning Treatments – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Teeth whitening – Harley Dental Implant Centre, London;
Teeth Polishing – The Toothplace, City of London
Thermage – Wimpole Aesthetic Centre
Thread Lifts – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic, London
Threading (eyebrows) – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
TriaActive – Harley Street Skin Clinic
Vein Treatment – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London
Veneeers – Harley Dental Implant Centre, London;
Velasmooth – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Visia Skin Analysis – Harley Street Medical Skin Clinic
Voluma – BA Clinic, Knightsbridge London
Wax Hair Removal – Beauty Works West, Nottinghill, London SkinGenesis, Chester, Leeds & Manchester

ELIXIR MAKEOVER MILES – Platinum – all of the above and more

Watch this space – the new products and services of our partners are being added daily!

Abdominal and duodenal ulcers – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Aesthetics including facial fillers and volumisers, Botox, lasers and dermabrasion – Raj Chopra MD, Beverly Hills, California; Dr Elizabeth Roche MD MediSpa, New JerseyClínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
Anti-aging Medicine – Dr Nick Delgado, Huntington Beach, California the Kurotel Longevity Centre & Spa, Gramado, BrazilClínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
Arthritis & Joint problems – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Astigmantism – Eurocanarias Oftalmológica, Gran Canaria
Back pain/spinal disc problems – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Breast Disease & endometriosis – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Cataracts – Eurocanarias Oftalmológica, Gran Canaria
Cellulite Treatments – Clínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/ME – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Complex symptoms of ill-health that do not have clear diagnosis – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Cosmetic Dentistry- Dr Jeff Golub Evans at theNew York Center for Cosmetic Dentistry in Manhattan
Cornea Transplants – Eurocanarias Oftalmológica, Gran Canaria
Diabetes management – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Erectile dysfunction – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Eye health – Eurocanarias Oftalmológica, Gran Canaria
Glaucoma – Eurocanarias Oftalmológica, Gran Canaria
Hair transplantation – Clínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
Heart Disease – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Hepatitis including C – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Dr Nick Delgado
Hormones – The Kurotel Longevity Centre & Spa, Gramado, Brazil
Hyperbaric Oxygen treatments – Oxygen Zone -Serbia
Immunodeficiency – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Lung disease – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Mesotherapy – Clínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
Migraine, dizziness and headaches of uncertain origin – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Multiple Sclerosis – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Pancreas and intestinal disorders – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Psorasis and eczema – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, MoscowClínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
SmartLipo – Oxygen Zone – Serbia
Threadlifts – Clínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
Thyroid Disorders – The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, Moscow
Weight Management – The Kurotel Longevity Centre & Spa, Gramado, Brazil; The Clinic of Cybernetic Medicine, MoscowClínica San Roque, S.A. Gran Canaria
Yoga & Horseriding holidays, The Riding Company
Nutraceuticals –

Austria – The Organic Spa – home to the largest stud of Lipizanna horses;Reiters Burgenland Resort The Riding Company
Brazil – The International Kurotel Longevity Centre & Spa
Cyprus – The Columbia Beach Resort and Spa, Pissori Beach, Paphos
Grand Canaria – Hotel Cordial Cordial Mogán Playa Sheraton Salobre Golf Resort & SpaTALASOTERAPIA CANARIAS AMADORES – Gloria Palace Amadores Thalasso & Hotel and TALASOTERAPIA CANARIAS SAN AGUSTÍN Gloria Palace San Agustín Thalasso & HotelThalasso Corallium Villa del CondeSpa Corallium Costa Meloneras, Gran Canaria
Singapore – The Estheva

CLINICS & SERVICE PROVIDERS participating in the scheme:


Longevity accelerating, says new research


London: Longevity is accelerating and there are more 100 year olds than ever before, according to a new report by the Cass Business School.

They say that men born in 1985 can expect to live to an average age of 91, according to a new forecast of life expectancy which concludes that all existing projections are too low.

The Government’s key forecast for longevity, which is also used in the pensions and life insurance industry, has seriously miscalculated how long men will live in the future, they also say.

Life expectancy is currently 76.6 years for men and 81 for women. The new research suggests that life expectancy for men born in 1985, who turn 65 in 2050, could be as high as 97 under the most optimistic scenario, although 91 is its central forecast. That is six years higher than the Office for National Statistics’ projection. The new Cass model has been applied only to men so far, but the next phase of the research will cover women.

The new calculation has serious implications for the Government and the pensions industry, who face having to pay an extra £160,368 per person in state benefits and occupational pensions, Cass calculates.

David Blake, director of the Pensions Institute at Cass Business School, said: “Our calculations demonstrate that longevity is accelerating far beyond what is currently predicted, and there is considerable uncertainty surrounding future life expectancy. This will present a huge challenge for long-term healthcare providers and intensifies the problems faced by both government and the pensions industry. They need to update the projections they use before the pensions deficits reach catastrophic proportions.”

Professor Blake said that the Office for National Statistics had a history of underestimating new trends: “It completely underestimated the scale of the postwar baby boom, which had serious implications for the provision of schools and hospitals, and it has continually underestimated longevity of elderly people.”

The Government has voiced concerns about the ageing population and has taken some steps to make provision for more older people. The retirement age is rising from 65 to 68 by 2044. Those actions were promoted by the ONS forecast that the proportion of over65s will go from 15 per cent now to 25 per cent by 2050. However, less provision for the older population has been made in healthcare.

The new centurions

– There are about 9,000 men and women over the age of 100, but the numbers are rising by 7 per cent a year

– By 2050, more than 150,000 people will be centenarians

– The costs of treating dementia and caring for sufferers have been calculated at £17 billion (and rising) per year

How to look to look younger – the experts reveal all at our exclusive event in London’s Harley Street


London: ELIXIR is pleased to invite you to the first of of several exclusive events in the UK and elsewhere in which you will hear from leading experts on the latest procedures and techniques in aesthetic rejuvenation and healthy ageing.

When: 25 November 2007
Where: HB Health 48 Harley Street, London W1.
Time: 10.30am to 4pm

This event allows you unique access to top professionals in cosmetic surgery, dentistry and aesthetics – so that you can ask them your questions and concerns. Many will also be offering significant discounts on treatments for those who sign up on the day.

This first event is rather special as the proceeds of the entry ticket will go to the cancer charity of the Honorable Order of Ancient Freemasons, the New Blues (UK registered charity no 1007693). The £20 ticket also includes a buffet lunch, refreshments and a goody bag.

The programme includes the following:

John Moran RD, MBBS LDSRCS, DPsSc, DFFP, Msc Nutri.Med The Holistic Medical Clinic who will discuss hormones, ageing and the menopause

Laresse – the latest non-surgical facial filler from the US. Read more about Laresse at

Dr Nijon Eccles The Chiron Clinic of the Chiron Clinic at 48 Harley Street, London W1 on breast health and nutrition

Dr Daniel Sister of Beauty Works West on Carboxy Therapy – how carbon dixoide can rid you of wrinkles, flab, scars, stretch marks and more…
Dr Nigel Agger of The Harley Dental Implant Centre on cosmetic dentistry including the latest whitening techniques, veneers and implants for facial rejuvenation.

Shenaz Shariff of the Face and Body Clinic on alternative ways of removing unwanted hair and facial rejuvenation with Revitale

Restoring youthful facial volume with the deep tissue filler Sculptra by Angelica Kavouni of Cosmtic Solutions in London’s Harley Street. Visit


Are food allergies making you fat? More information at ALCAT food intolerence testing at

Please note: The programme may be subject to change.

To obtain tickets email us at Club Elixir

Vitamin D may help against diseases of ageing


London: Vitamin D may help to slow down the ageing process and protect against degenerative diseases, according to new research from scientists at King’s College London.

Head researcher Brent Richards says: “These results are exciting because they demonstrate for the first time that people who have higher levels of vitamin D may age more slowly than people with lower levels of vitamin D.

“This could help explain how vitamin D has a protective effect on many age-related diseases, such as heart disease and cancer. What’s interesting is that there’s a huge body of evidence that shows sunshine ages your skin—but it also increases your vitamin D levels. So, like many times in medicine, we find there’s a trade-off”, Richards adds.

The study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition looked at vitamin D levels in 2,160 women ages 18-79. It examined their white blood cells for genetic signs of aging. The women then were placed into three groups according to their vitamin D levels.

Science has placed telomeres as the most reliable measures of a person’s age. These are the lengths of genetic material that cap the free ends of DNA in a cell. With age, the telomeres shorten and the DNA becomes increasingly unstable. Eventually the cell dies.

The study found that those with the highest vitamin D levels had significantly longer telomeres (equivalent to five years of normal aging) than those showing the lowest vitamin D scores.

During summer, much of the vitamin D needed by the body is created by a reaction in the skin, which is powered by sunlight. In winter months where there is less sunshine, vitamin D comes largely from fortified products such as milk, soy milk and cereal grains. It can also be found in cod liver oil, wild salmon, Atlantic mackerel, shrimp and sardines.

“Although it might sound absurd, it’s possible that the same sunshine which may increase our risk of skin cancer may also have a healthy effect on the aging process in general,” says co-author Tim Spector.

The team of scientists opine that though large-scale trials are needed to confirm the discovery, if proved correct the finding could have a dramatic impact on healthcare.

Real food shock – at London festival


London: We’ve hand-picked the very best produce and ingredients that we could find to bring you the biggest Farmers Market in the country and you, being as passionate about produce as we are, should come and meet some of the best producers, taste their delectable produce, learn from them and challenge your tastebuds.

Over 500 producers will gather at Earls Court 24-7 April 2008 to celebrate food that is good, clean and fair. With all the talk about the integrity, quality, provenance & sustainability of food in the UK and around the world, we thought it would be a great idea to show you the choices that are out there.

The big difference with the Real Food Festival is that the producers that are hand picked to attend are also heavily subsidised to exhibit. This means that you will get the opportunity to meet some of the best and smallest producers in the world and eat some of the most fabulous food that will leave your mouth watering and your toes tingling!

As well as the amazing producers, you will also be able to learn how to bake bread with food guru Barny Haughton of Bristol’s renowned Bordeaux Quay, taste wines with the maker, challenge yourself in a food debate, tantalise your tastebuds in a taste workshops, meet some pigs, follow a produce trail or just chill on a hay bale and listen to a farmers story. Real Food is passionate not preachy, the integrity of the festival will challenge the way most of us think about food on a day to day basis and will inspire a wide audience to change their eating habits in favour of a more sustainable way of eating and enjoying produce.

The Festival’s Taste workshops will teach you all sorts of things from the differences between cows and goats milk to wheat and malt beers. The workshops provide the ultimate test for your taste buds, created by eco-gastronomes Clodagh McKenna and Sebastiano Sardo of Foodiscovery.

The Real Food Festival is not just a London event. We have just returned from a gastronomic road trip around the country where we have been meeting local producers, from Jersey to Orkney. You will be able to meet the people who reared the pigs, planted the carrots, milked the cows and crushed the grapes: you can taste their produce, learn about it and take it home.

Eco Icons such as Zac Goldsmith, fully support our festival, ‘The way we eat, what we eat, where our food comes from, these are central issues. The Real Food Festival will change the way we think about food and give producers and consumers an opportunity to meet and share their passion for authentic quality produce’.

We promise to celebrate the diversity of modern artisan food, from producer to plate. Visitors will be able to meet and speak to 500 hand-picked producers from Britain and the world.

Visit our website The Real Food Festival to get updates of our journey. Tickets which can be bought online cost £15.

Diabetes link to dementia


New York: There could be a link between an adult’s diet and their risk of developing dementia, according to a newly published article in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.

Individuals with diabetes are believed to be particularly susceptible to reduced cognition in old age and an unhealthy diet is known as a significant risk factor for the increasingly common condition. Eating less fattening foods and maintaining a healthy weight can help people avoid diabetes and therefore should mean they are less at risk of losing cognitive capacity in later life, the authors of the recent study suggest.

Boosting our brainpower – how far should we go, ask doctors?


London: How many healthy people would take prescription drugs or go through an invasive medical procedure to improve their memory, concentration and other cognitive abilities?

In a thought-provoking discussion paper launched this week by the BMA, doctors discuss the ethics of healthy people seeking to improve their cognition and mental performance with pharmaceutical products or even ‘medical operations’ to help their brains perform better.

The paper ‘Boosting your brainpower: ethical aspects of cognitive enhancements1’ has been produced by the BMA’s Medical Ethics Committee (MEC) to stimulate public debate on this issue.

Chairman of the BMA’s MEC, Dr Tony Calland, said today:

“This is a fascinating area that has not been debated by the public. On the one hand, it may all seem very harmless – how many of us take omega 3 supplements to prevent memory loss? On the other hand, we need to consider where this search for optimum brain performance will lead. Should drugs or medical procedures that are designed to treat medical conditions be used by healthy people who simply want to be better than normal?

“We know that there is likely to be a demand by healthy individuals for this ‘treatment’. However given that no drug or invasive medical procedure is risk free, is it ethical to make them available to people who are not ill? Also, how much brain power is enough? There is a concern that there may be undue pressure, perhaps from employers, to ensure that workers are even more effective and productive. The BMA does not have the answers to these questions but we think it is very important that the issues are debated.”

The BMA paper examines the effectiveness of various methods that have been suggested as possible cognitive enhancers, including:

Nutrition and nutritional supplements – for example omega 3 supplements.
Pharmaceutical products – for example drugs that are used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or Alzheimer’s disease.
Brain stimulation and neurotechnology – involving techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (which has been referred to as “botox for the brain”) where magnetic pulses are used to stimulate particular areas of the brain or deep brain stimulation (which has been referred to as ‘brain-lifts’) – an invasive procedure involving the insertion of electrodes into the brain that transmit tiny electrical currents. There is at the moment no evidence that these procedures can improve cognition in healthy people, but the possibility cannot be entirely ruled out. It should be remembered that people are willing to endure major surgery to enhance their visual appearance, so they may be willing to do so to improve their cognitive ability as well, if the techniques prove to be effective.

The paper discusses the balance of benefits and harms related to cognitive enhancements. There may be individual benefits, in that a person might feel better in themselves and also positional benefits, for example, the modern-day UK is highly competitive with children judged from a young age on the basis of success in tests and exams and so individuals with a competitive edge may do better than others.

Harms include the side effects of taking prescription drugs long-term. The effects on healthy people of taking these drugs may be very different from someone taking them who has a medical condition that requires treatment.

There could also be unintended consequences, for example, our brains selectively filter out some information and memories, particularly those that are trivial or traumatic, and we do not know whether drugs to enhance memory will impair this important function. There may be a risk of ‘over-enhancement’ and someone could be plagued by unwanted and traumatic memories that cause distress or even psychological harm.

We need to consider how, as a society, we should respond to the promises and challenges of cognitive enhancements, says the report. The BMA hopes that the publication of this paper will begin a public debate on this issue and, to start the process, the Royal Institution of Great Britain is holding a public meetingin London on this issue on Wednesday 14 November at 7pm.

The BMA paper ‘Boosting your brainpower: ethical aspects of cognitive enhancements’ can be accessed on the BMA website at : < ahref="">BMA

Find out how to manage your stress with expert help


London: From full inboxes and bleeping blackberries to lengthy commutes and automated messages, modern technology in the 21st Century doesn’t always make life easier. We’re working longer hours, sleeping less than ever and with global markets creating competition beyond our borders, pressure at work has never been so stark.

With so much on our plate, it’s hardly surprising that stress levels are rising. The number of working days lost due to stress in 2006-07 is estimated to be 13.7 million according to the latest statistics from the Health and Safety Executive. That’s a significant rise on last year so what are we getting so wrong?

Wednesday 7th November is National Stress Awareness Day and in a working world that never sleeps, it’s important to ensure we don’t neglect ourselves.

A recent study conducted by Philip Stein TESLAR, in association with the International Stress Management Association and Goldsmiths the jeweller, examined 25 stressed out entrepreneurs eager to reduce the stress in their lives. The participants took part in a Heart Rate Variability (HRV) test with Dr. Nyjon Eccles, BSc PhD MBBS MRCP, at his Harley Street practice. Each participant was given a Philip Stein TESLAR watch – a watch that contains a special de-stressing technology. After 5 weeks of wearing the watch, the participants received a second HRV test to discover the effects.

Benefits of wearing the watch include a more restful night time sleep, a reduction in stress and jet lag, improved concentration, increased levels of energy and an overall improvement of wellbeing.

Joining us online to discuss the findings is participant, Andy Henderson, a Derivatives Trainer, RFU Referee and Actor, Dermot Dennehy, UK MD of Philip Stein TESLAR and Jane Thomas, Chair of the International Stress Management Association, who will also be offering some top tips on how to manage our stress levels.

Dermot Dennehy, Andy Henderson and Jane Thomas join us online at web chat on Wednesday 7th November at 9am (GMT) to help us unwind with some top stress-busting tips.

Other useful links:

International Stress Management Association

World’s oldest creature may hold key to longevity


Bangor: British scientists have found a 400 year-old clam, believed to be the world’s longest-living animal, off the coast of Iceland.

The scientists, from Bangor University in Wales, say that the discovery of the quahog clam, aged between 405 and 410 years old, might allow them to get a better understanding of the ageing process, as well as revealing the secrets of long life.

The creature was nicknamed Ming, after the dynasty which ruled China at the beginning of its life.

“When this animal was a juvenile, King James I replaced Queen Elizabeth I as English monarch, Shakespeare was writing his greatest plays – Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth – and Giordano Bruno was burnt at the stake for espousing the view that the Sun rather than the Earth was the centre of the universe,” they say in a press release.

The scientists calculated the age of the animal by counting annual growth rings on the shell, a technology similar to that used when estimating a tree’s age.

According to the Guinness Book of Records, before Ming, the longest-lived animal was a clam found in 1982, aged 220.

Stroke the silent killer – new guide for victims and carers


Are you at risk from the the third leading killer of young and old alike?

Discover a life transforming view of life after stroke, and discover new and beautiful ways to improve the quality of your life, even in the face of adversity…

Have you already suffered a stroke, or witnessed the struggles of a family member that has suffered, and want supportive, helpful and encouraging information that will allow you to lead an improved quality of life?

Every year for thousands of people stroke becomes a silent killer. For those lucky enough to survive, life following a stroke can be filled with pain, sorrow and feelings of loss and abandonment.

Fortunately, there are ways to overcome those feelings and limitations, and discover a new independence; one that you will discover is rich and rewarding.

Each year thousands of people become victims of stroke but can fail to recognize the early warning signs…

• Sudden weakness in your arm, leg or hands.
• The impression that you are not able to feel one side of your face or body.
• Difficulty seeing or experienced temporarily blurriness from one eye.
• Difficulty walking or experiencing balancing problems.
• The worst headache of your life…

If you have experienced one or more of the symptoms above, your life may be at risk. Stroke is increasingly prevalent in modern times. Call your doctor immediately or visit the nearest ER!

The impacts of stroke can be devastating for the more than
700,000 people that suffer from stroke each year.

The good news is when armed with knowledge and information; you can learn to lead an extraordinary life even following a devastating stroke. One of the most important desires stroke survivors have is the ability to regain an independent lifestyle.

How is this achieved? It is often achieved through rehabilitation, support and counselling, as well as caring for one’s individual health related problems following a stroke.

“The only work that will ultimately bring any good to any of us is the work of contributing to the healing of others…“
Adapted from M. Williamson

Friends and loved ones can also find they are confused about how to cope with a loved one’s loss. Fortunately, there is help and guidance just a moment away. Everyone can learn to heal others and heal their own sense of loss by learning more about life following a stroke.

“Life After A Stroke” is a moving, tell-all guide that teaches survivors, caregivers and close family how to cope with the after effects of a stroke. Using this guide you can learn how to regain some of your independence and improve the quality of your life to the greatest extent possible. It is available in standard and mp3 format for your convenience.

Imagine what your life would be like if you could learn to communicate with others in a sensible, logical and non-frustrating manner after a stroke…

While you may not return to the state of health you were in before, there is much evidence suggesting with proper knowledge and information, you can lead a rich and rewarding life after a stroke.

Are you ready to take back your life, or help another to do so?

Perhaps you are a caregiver looking for guidance and support while caring for a family member or loved one suffering from stroke. No matter the case, you’ve landed in just the right place to find the information you need.

Introducing a Revolutionary New Approach To Healing…Find out how to
improve the quality of YOUR life and that of your loved ones,
by adopting a few simple, common-sense strategies.

In this unique and gentle approach to Stroke, learn everything there is to know about stroke whether a survivor, friend, family member or caregiver.

This important guide contains information that will:

• Educate you about the immediate after – effects of stroke, so you know what to expect and how to overcome setbacks in the early weeks following a stroke.
• Teach you how to set goals following a stroke that will speed the progression of your healing.
• Help you understand what rehabilitation is all about, including what forms of rehabilitation are available and how they can improve your quality of life and standard of living.
• Help you discover and learn new and innovative tools for treating the physical symptoms of stroke, including spasticity and muscle pain.
• Tell you about new ways of treating old problems, including use of a popular cosmetic procedure that may reduce muscle tightness and help improve coordination and balance.
• Teach you what ITB therapy is and how it can improve delivery of targeted medications to your system, so you feel better faster, longer.
• Show you how to set up an individual approach to rehabilitation that aligns with your personal needs, goals and interests.

Learn how to avoid future strokes

Someone who has had a stroke is almost twice as likely to experience another. Learn the 2 most important steps you can take to prevent future strokes and enhance your odds for an improved quality of life following stroke.

Friends, Family and Caregivers

Friends, family and caregivers also need support and guidance during the period of time following a stroke. The good news is in Life After Stroke, you can learn how to communicate and reevaluate each member of a household’s roles, so everyone enjoys an improved quality of life when caring for a loved one.

Most importantly, Life After Stroke offers hope for the future. When you have nowhere else to turn, you always have hope.

You can find more information here:

Rejuvenate and relax at the Body Beautiful Show London – free tickets from Restylane


When was the last time that you did something just for you? When was the last time you were really pampered? Well, the time is now as The Body Beautiful Show is back on 2nd – 4th November 2007 and will give you the perfect opportunity for some you time. A luxurious, pampering day out, and a show, which demystifies the world of cosmetic treatments, Body Beautiful is a one stop authoritative, responsible guide to age defying and beautifying.

One exhibitor at this year’s Body Beautiful Show at the Business Design Centre Islington, London, is Restylane.

Restylane offers the complete solution for holding back the years and revitalising your looks naturally by smoothing away tell tale ageing lines. Restylane has the additional advantage of improving skin elasticity. Restylane treatment is quick, taking less than half an hour. The effects can be seen immediately and last from around six to nine months. Discover more about new Restylane Vital a new treatment development in skin rejuvenation, introducing the concept of moisturising from within to improve skin tone and elasticity to reverse the skin ageing process. It is great for treating veiny backs of hands, plumping the skin to reduce their appearance and smoothing the skin to make it appear less crêpey and sun damaged.

Restylane is giving you the chance to win a pair of tickets to this year’s Body Beautiful Show at London’s Business Design Centre.

To win, all you need to do is answer the following question:

How long does Restylane last?
a) 6 – 9 weeks
b) 6 – 9 months
c) 6 – 9 years

Email your answer to us at by 29 October 2007

For further information visit the website on

For more information on Restylane visit or call 0800 015 5548 to find a Restylane clinic in your area.

Top New York stylist Philip Pelusi shows you how to get beautiful celebrity hair

Celebrity hair designer Philip Pelusi is much in demand with international celebrities such as Queen Noor of Jordan, Barbara Walters and Benjamin Brat, for his Volumetic Technique of styling and his bespoke anti-ageing hair products

Here Philip reveals how you can achieve celebrity hair …

When is hair at its peak and most beautiful?

Healthy well-maintained hair is always the most beautiful no matter what the person’s age. Ageing hair tends to be slightly more fragile and therefore needs extra special attention. Hair needs to be maintained at the proper level of strength and moisture by using the right combination of products on the hair. This can be easily achieved with a daily hair care regime as well with the right cut for the individual hair.

When does it start to decline?

Whenever hair is neglected or abused hair will start to decline no matter what the person’s age. Ageing hair fabric is more delicate and therefore needs a little extra tender loving care. Hair is neglected when it is not being treated with the right amounts of protein and moisture. Hair is abused when it has been over processed with chemicals and heat styling tools without protecting the hair fabric.

What are signs of ageing hair and why does it decline?

Hair actually starts to age after the age of 25. Each strand shrinks 10% diameter and may become duller due to loss of melanin. However, just like prematurely aged skin, hair can also be prematurely aged by abuse and misuse of chemicals and heat styling tools. Signs of aging hair include weak or brittle hair, dryness, flaking scalp, split ends and an extra fine and frizzy texture.

What are your top 10 anti-ageing diet tips for hair?

1. Use special products specifically designed to rejuvenate ageing hair. Follow the regime consistently for best results.
2. Get anti-ageing hair and scalp treatments in the salon for a deeper, more intense effect.
3. Get you nutrients thru your food and supplements. Hair is definitely a reflection of our health.
4. Drink plenty of water to keep skin and hair hydrated.
5. Exercise helps maintain a healthy blood flow to the scalp. This will help encourage healthy hair growth.
6. Maintain a relaxation program to keep stress at bay. Stress can take its’ toll on the healthy of your hair and skin.
7. Get plenty of rest. Proper sleep is so important to maintain the health of the entire body and of course the hair.
8. Keep the scalp in it’s optimum healthy state. A healthy scalp means healthy hair.
9. Treat wet hair fabric with tender loving care. Apply a detangling product before combing it and use a wide toothed comb only. Do not brush wet hair as it will break.
10. Sleep on a satin pillowcase to reduce friction on the hair and breakage.

Philip’s Top Anti-Ageing Hair Tips for women

1. Softer, loose curls or waves make anyone appear younger. Steer away from sharp angles and severe shapes.
2. Slightly longer hair is also more youthful. Each person’s facial and body shape is different as is the texture of their hair. Therefore it is important to customise the longer length that would be appropriate for you.
3. Softer, slightly lighter hair color with varying tones also helps produce a younger appearance. Steer clear of too dark, too solid shades. Just like hair, skin tone and color slightly changes as we age. Therefore our hair color must change with it.
4. Hair color should always compliment the client’s skin and eye color no matter what their age. For an older clients, we always recommend that they lean towards the lighter of any shades selected.
5. The best way for a person to look younger is to keep their hair in a perfect state of health with the proper at-home and in-salon regime. Healthy, shiny hair is younger looking hair.

Philip’s top anti-ageing hair tips for men

1. Keep both the hair and the scalp in healthy condition. Maintain a product regime that keeps the scalp exfoliated and the hair healthy.
2. Use styling products that don’t glue hair stiff. Heavily gelled, slicked back hair only makes someone look older. A soft but neatly groomed effect looks younger and more sophisticated.
3. Color should be subtle and not solid. Tiny, pinstriped lowlights look best. Select a shade and tone that matches the non-grey natural hair and weave tiny stands throughout the hair. A few lighter pieces can be added for a more youthful look but keep it looking natural.
4. Grey is ok as long as it is healthy and shiny. Use a violet based color conditioner once a week to keep grey hair brilliant and shiny.

The big “No nos” for older women…

1. Too severe or too short of a hairstyle.
2. Too dark or too monochromatic hair color.
3. Dry, brittle and breaking hair makes anyone look older.
4. Too long or too short extremes don’t really compliment.
5. Hair that is teased, hair sprayed and fixed perfectly and also can be ageing. Hair should be neat but slightly disheveled looks modern and carefree. No helmet hair.

The big “No nos” for older men…

1. Solid, monochromatic hair color
2. Dry, flaking scalp and hair
3. Too much gel or styling product.
4. Unnatural part lines – no comb-overs.
5. Hair that is too long and looks unkempt.

How do you treat grey hair?

Grey is great as long as it is maintained at a healthy state. Some people prefer to embrace their grey hair and that’s terrific as long as it looks shiny and healthy.

His chic Italian sanctuary salon with soothing green marble and art deco design is the have your hair transformed into a more youthful you. Philip charges $450, £240, EUR 354 for a personal makeover.

Contact info: Philip Pelusi products are available online at To find a salon ++888 263 470

Superfood blueberry may protect against bowel cancer, says new research


New Jersey: Blueberries may prevent colon cancer, a new US study has discovered.

The fruit which has already been labelled a “superfood” because it contains the anti-ageing compound pterostilbene, which could prevent cancer in humans.

Scientists at Rutger University in New Jersey and the US Department of Agriculture said that a pilot study on rats showed that those fed the anti-ageing compound had 57% fewer pre-cancer lesions in their colons. They carried out the experiment on two groups of rats all of which were fed a cancer causing compound called azoxymethan – the group given pterostilbene had least cancer.

Dr Bandaru Reddy, a professor of chemical biology at Rutgers said the blueberry compound was not a cure for cancer but might offer protection against the disease in humans.

It also appeared to reduce the rate at which cancer cells proliferate and inhibited certain genes involved in inflammation.

As well as having anti-ageing properties blueberries are also thought to help with memory loss.