Ladypillo is used by some of the UK’s leading spa chainsincluding Clarins and Dove, to give women extra comfort during treatments.
Tag Archives: surgery
Weight-loss surgery reduces diabetes in obese patients by 50%
They discovered that the average patient sheds nearly 60% of their body weight in the year following surgery, from an analysis of data from more than 8,700 operations carried out in the NHS and private sector.
It found two thirds of severely obese patients had three or more associated diseases by the time they reach surgery. A third have high blood pressure, over a quarter have diabetes and nearly a fifth have high cholesterol.
Patients who had a 12-month follow-up examination following surgery had lost some 58 per cent of excess weight, while cases of type 2 diabetes fell by 50 per cent.
After two years, 86 per cent of those affected by diabetes prior to surgery showed no signs of the disease. There was also improvement on all associated diseases.
The study which looked at operations including gastric bypasses and gastric bands – said the costs were recouped within three years as obesity-associated costs are eliminated.
Magic away your annoying scars…
Most of us have a couple of annoying scars. Mostly they bring back memories of when you used to climb trees or skateboard. For others, they are a reminder of a surgery or accident you’d rather not remember.
Lily-C™ Silicone Scar Therapy wrap could change all that.
Simplylily (the makers of LilyPadz for breastfeeding mums) have launched this new product, initially meant to help reduce C-Section scars, but can also be used to reduce redness and discomfort as a result of operative, accidental and sports injuries.
Silicone scar therapy is clinically proven in the prevention, improvement and reduction of scarring. The silicone provides a protective barrier which occludes and hydrates skin helping to encourage its natural healing properties.
Lily-C™ is a skin like layer of silicone measuring 5cms x 22cms and has an adhesive free lining allowing it to gently stick to the skin without the use of irritating adhesives or additional taping. Lily-C ™ comes with LilyWash™ designed to gently cleanse Lily-C™ and renew the tacky lining allowing it to be used over and over again.
Proper use of the Lily-C™ will soften, flatten and dramatically improve the appearance of your scar.
This amazing new product can be found in Boots or online, RRP £34.99.
Can you imagine a life without reading glasses?
New lens implant technology means Cataract and Presbyopia patients can have sharp vision at both short and long distances without the use of glasses.
Innovative dual optic accommodating lens implants give patients sharp vision at all focal points: a major sight breakthrough for Cataract and Presbyopia patients. Presbyopia is the age-related deterioration in the ability to focus on close objects.
NHS consultant ophthalmic surgeon Mr Bobby Qureshi, one of the UK’s leading eye surgeons and Medical Director of the London Eye Hospital, has announced that he is among the first surgeons in the UK that have been trained to use Visiogen’s Synchrony lens and that he performed the first bilateral Synchrony dual optic IOL lens implant in the UK in July.
“This is a major breakthrough in ophthalmic technology. I feel so fortunate to be pioneering it in the UK,” says Mr Bobby Qureshi. “We have the potential here to change patients’ vision to how it was before their Cataract or Presbyopia..”
The spring action between the two lenses of the Synchrony design allows patients to change the focus from near, to intermediate to distant. Where in the past patients had different lenses fitted to each eye, one that would concentrate on near vision and one that would focus on distant vision, it is now possible for patients to change focus from distant to near on only one eye. It also eliminates the glare and night time halos so common with some other lenses such as multifocal implants.
The lens implant may be suitable for any patient who uses readers or bifocal/varifocals, or if a cataract is present.
The new lens implant puts previously pioneered eye implants in the shade: with other eye implants, over 70% of people are still left with a degree of long sight, short sight or astigmatism after surgery and are unable to say goodbye to their glasses.
After studying at medical school in London, Mr Bobby Qureshi trained and worked at London’s Moorfields Eye Hospital, one of the world’s leading eye centres, and is now Medical Director of the London Eye Hospital. As he pioneered multi-focal lens implants and specialises in cataract surgery, he was the first eye surgeon in the UK to perform Light Adjustable Lens (LAL) surgery nearly a year ago and is now one of the most experienced surgeons in the world using this lens.
To find out more about this amazing surgery, please contact Mr Qureshi by phone at (020) 70602602 or email at
To have a look at any of the other services the London Eye Hospital offers, visit
Facelift diva wanted for UK primetime TV
London: Cosmetic surgery is more popular than ever before and a positive experience for most when carried out by professional with a track record. Have you had facial cosmetic surgery? A TV company working on a documentary about anti-ageing products and cosmetic surgery would like to interview you about your experience.
You must be willing to talk about your surgery on camera. Please contact us with your details, including your phone contact at
FACE THE FACTS: The Truth About Plastic Surgery Procedures
New York: New York cosmetic surgeon Andrew Jacono reveals all about the procedures that work and those that don’t in his latest book.
This is an easy to read and clear book designed to demystify and define the latest surgical and non-surgical cosmetic facial treatments for ageing. Filled with up to the minute information, helpful analogies, top notch before and after photos and descriptive illustrations, this crash course in facial plastic surgery, dermatology and skincare helps readers make educated decisions about the techniques they are considering.
The book helps readers avoid common pitfalls, like choosing the wrong procedure to achieve a desired effect and identifies procedures which have been popularised by the media, but dont really work. Throughout the book the author, Dr Andrew Jacono shares Pearls of Wisdom – garnered from his extensive training and stellar expertise in the field including information on:
FACIAL COCKTAILS 101: What they are, what they treat, how they work and how long they last
LASER TRUTHS: Fraxel works / Thermage does not
THE BOTOX LIFT: Non Surgical Lifting
PROCEDURES FOR CELEBRITY FEATURES (Lip Augmentation Techniques for lips like Angelina, etc.)
THE TRUTH ABOUT SKINCARE INGREDIENTS: What you need based on the scientific facts
FACE THE FACTS is available on and at Barnes & Noble. The book retails for $ 15.95 (£8, 12) and ten percent of the proceeds from each book will go to “FACE TO FACE, a US project offering free consultation and reconstructive surgery to victims of domestic violence. Dr. Jacono has been highly recognized for his work with FACE TO FACE and other charitable organisations
Andrew Jacono M.D., F.A.C.S: is a Dual Board Certified, Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon and Assistant Clinical Professor, Division of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery at The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, Dr. Jacono is also the Director of The New York Center for Facial Plastic and Laser Surgery in Great Neck, NY.
With surgical privileges at six New York area hospitals, an extensive background in Head and Neck Surgery with a subspecialty training in Facial Plastic Surgery, Dr. Jacono is recognized amongst his peers for his innovative surgical techniques and skills. His clinical research has been presented at several national meetings and symposiums and he has authored numerous manuscripts and published articles in leading medical journals on a variety of surgical techniques, including minimally invasive endoscopic facial plastic surgery, which has become one of the specialties at his thriving practice. Dr. Jacono is adored by his high profile patients (including television news personalities, models and actresses) who turn to him for his masterful cosmetic and corrective work, flawless results and soothing bedside manner.
To learn more about Dr Jacona and his practice, visit
Dr Henri P Gaboriau – Facial Plastic and Constructive Surgery
Dr Henri P Gaboriau is Director of the Sammanish Center for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Seattle. T: ++1 425 898 1228. Email:
Dr Javier de Bentio – cosmetic surgery London & Barcelona
Dr Javier de Benito is one of the world’s most respected cosmetic surgeons and his patients include Royalty and celebrities. He is General Director of the Instituto de Benito Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Barcelona and President Elect of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He has pioneered the development of facial surgery.
A cosmetic surgery operation to remove excess fat from the upper arms
1 in 5 has complications from holiday surgery
London: A survey by the UK consumer magazine Which? has found that one in five people who travel abroad for surgery are left to deal with unpleasant complications.
Nearly one in five (18%) of respondents had health problems following treatment, including infections, and 8% needed urgent NHS care on their return. An estimated 80,000 UK residents opted for cheaper surgery abroad in 2006.
Many UK cosmetic surgeons say they have ended up repairing the damage from botched surgery carried out overseas. The low prices of surgery and dentistry abroad together with many people not being able to get an NHS dentist are fuelling the dramatic rise in procedures carried out abroad.
Which? said that a tummy tuck which would cost £4,000 in the UK was 50% cheaper in Poland.
However, specialists say that flying into a foreign city for an operation means that patients are not properly assessed prior to surgery – and not given the right support afterwards.
The majority of the 299 people polled by Which? said they were very satisfied with their treatment, but more than a quarter said they had not received the right follow-up care after their procedure.
Among the 18% who reported problems were one patient who developed a severe infection after a tummy tuck operation, and another who said that she had been left leaking fluid following liposuction.
Which? is also concerned about the quality of advice offered to would-be patients – one firm called anonymously said a full knee replacement was not a risky procedure, and that the patient would not need to be followed up by a clinician on returning to the UK. However half of all knee replacement patients need physiotherapy and all are reviewed as part of standard practice.
Neil Fowler, the Editor of Which?, said: “Medical tourists should do their homework before jumping on the plane, and avoid rushing back too quickly if they want to avoid potential problems.
“Ask the right questions beforehand, speak to UK health professionals and don’t assume you’ll have a safety net if things don’t go according to plan.”
More than half the members of the British Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery who answered a survey last year said they had seen three or more dissatisfied patients following surgery abroad.
Its president Douglas McGeorge said: “My experience with patients is that counselling is inadequate – the individuals have no idea of the standards of care in the country they are visiting and no knowledge of the abilities or experience of the surgeon.
“Follow-up is difficult – complications do occur and are usually left to the British system to treat.”
Varicose & spider veins – the second most popular US surgery
Varicose vein removal has moved ahead of eyelid surgery as the second most often performed cosmetic surgical procedure, according to a new survey.
The reason for this, the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery (AACS) says in a news release, is cosmetic surgery preferences of men, not women, have changed dramatically. Sclerotherapy, the removal of spider veins and varicose veins, has increased about 226 percent among US men in the past five years, the AACS says, while it has only increased about 3.5 percent as a preference for US females.
By contrast, US men seem to be thinking twice about hair transplants, according to the survey. Price may be a factor, with hair transplant costs increasing by almost $1,300 in the past five years, while sclerotherapy costs have declined by slightly more than $100, according to AACS statistics.
Liposuction remains the top cosmetic surgical procedure, the AACS says, followed by sclerotherapy and blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery). The top non-surgical cosmetic procedure is Botox injection, the AACS reports.
New surgical techniques minimise trauma scarring, explains Beverly Hills surgeon Raj Chopra
BEVERLY HILLS COSMETIC SURGEON Raj Chopra (pictured right) explains how the latest stitching technique can literally save your face following injury….
Cosmetic surgery is not just for the vain. Many of the techniques learned by surgeons are also used to repair serious injuries caused by car crashes and other accidents that would otherwise leave victims horribly disfigured. In Hollywood Raj Chopra is renowned for his expertise in facial surgery techniques and since stars earn their living from their looks he is the man they call to the Accident & Emergency.
Scars are generally considered unattractive and whilst it is possible to camouflage them with makeup plastic surgeons have become adept at hiding them following cosmetic surgery.
The scalp, for example, is used to hide brow lift incisions and intranasal incisions are used for rhinoplasty. To hide facelift incisions, most incisions are in or around the ear and hairline. For eyelid lifts (blepharoplasty), incisions are hidden in natural creases on the lid or near the eyelashes, or even inside the eyelids. If none of these options are available, the scar or incision should be aligned parallel with relaxed skin tension lines, which for example, run horizontally on the forehead.
So what can be done with a scar that has resulted from an injury? Not all scars need scar revision, especially those hidden in areas not easily visible (scalp, natural creases, etc.) However, for unpleasant scars including there are several surgical remedies.
The technique that might be used is individually based on the size, orientation, and body site involved. However, all techniques have certain fundamental principles in common to ensure a good result. These include meticulous handling of soft tissue, creating a tension free closure, placement of deep sutures to ensure a tension free epidermal closure, and symmetric closure of the skin edges after surgery. In many cosmetic cases, sutures placed under the skin edges are used to avoid the possibility of seeing stitching marks on the skin.
Finally, laser resurfacing can be used to blend the revised scar in with surrounding soft tissues to create not only a more even color match, but also create a smoother surface.
Contact information:
Raj Chopra, M.D.
Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery
9400 Brighton Way, Suite # 410
Beverly Hills, CA 90210. USA.
Tel :(310) 858-1787. FAX: (310) 858-3787
UK demand for cosmetic surgery continues to grow
London: The number of people choosing cosmetic surgery continues to increase in the UK, with 32, 453 procedures carried out by members of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons in 2007.
This figure is an increase of 12.2% from 2006, when 28,921 were performed.
Facelifts had the largest increase among all procedures, rising by 36% (4,468 procedures carried out) from 2006, keeping its place as the 4th most popular procedure.
Women had 29,572 procedures in 2007, up from 26,469 the previous year. The majority of cosmetic surgery was carried out on women (91%), while male surgery increased by 17.5% with 2,881 surgical procedures carried out (2,452 procedures in 2006).
* The top procedure for women continues to be breast augmentation, with 6,497 carried out
* Rhinoplasty continued to be the top procedure for men, with 716 undertaken by BAAPS members, a 36% increase from last year but by far the most impressive percentage rise was in the number of male abdominoplasty procedures (or tummy tucks), which went up by 61%
* Liposuction for men increased by 18% and is now the 2nd most popular procedure for males, taking over the spot from eyelid surgery (now 3rd most popular)
* Male breast reduction has risen by 27% with 224procedures achieved in 2007 (177 procedures in 2006)
* The number of women having facelifts increased by 37%, making it now the 3rd most popular procedure for females (pushing Liposuction down to 4th most popular)
* Other Anti-ageing procedures (eyelid surgery and brow lifts) continued to show a steady rise in popularity for both men and women, increasing by 13% and 11% overall
Mr Douglas McGeorge, consultant plastic surgeon and President of the BAAPS said: This years audit clearly reflects the UKs continued acceptance of aesthetic surgery, particularly in the area of anti-aging. Wide media coverage has helped to educate the public about the latest advances and choices available, but it is crucial that people do their research carefully when choosing a provider. At the BAAPS we are committed to continue educating those considering cosmetic plastic surgery by providing independent advice that promotes sensible decision-making.
The figures in full:
A total of 32,453 procedures were carried out in 2007 by BAAPS members in their private practices, compared to 28,921 in 2006. The 2007 results indicate that surgical numbers continue to grow, with a 12.2% rise over the previous year.
The top surgical procedures for men & women in 2007 were, in order of popularity:
Breastaugmentation: 6,497 up 6% from last year
Blepharoplasty(eyelid surgery): 5,706 up 13%
Liposuction: 4,572 up 15%
Face/NeckLift: 4,468 up 36%
Breast Reduction: 3,402 up 6%
Rhinoplasty: 3,021 up 13%
Abdominoplasty: 2,799 up 2%
Otoplasty(ear correction): 1,024 up 9%
Browlifts 964 up 11%
Women had 91% of all cosmetic procedures in 2007 (29,572, up from 26,469 in 2006). The top five surgical procedures for women in 2006 were: breast augmentation (6,487), blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery (5,148 up 13% on last year), face/neck lift (4,238, an impressive rise of 37%), liposuction (3,990 up 15%), and breast reduction (3,178).
Men had 2,881 cosmetic procedures in 2007. The top five surgical procedures for men in 2007 were: rhinoplasty (716), liposuction (582), eyelid surgery or blepharoplasty (558), ear correction or otoplasty (418), and face/neck lift (230 rise of 21%).
Rajiv Grover, consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS Secretary responsible for the UK national audit of cosmetic surgery says: “This year we have recorded a dramatic rise in facial plastic surgery. 10 years ago, there may not have been much choice between a face cream and a facelift, but more recently non-surgical procedures such as botox and fillers have introduced a large number of patients to gradual facial rejuvenation, and the effects of these less invasive treatments can sometimes be limited once jowling or loose skin has developed, so this could explain why more patients now feel ready for the surgical option.
Nigel Mercer, consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS President-Elect adds: When considering aesthetic surgery it is essential to be selective in choosing the right surgeon as the results of good surgery may be long lasting, but no procedure is without some risk. When performed under the right circumstances, aesthetic surgery can have a very positive psychological impact and improve quality of life.
The BAAPS based at the Royal College of Surgeons, is a not-for-profit organisation, established for the advancement of education and practice of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery for public benefit. Members undergo thorough background screening before they can join. Information about specific procedures and surgeons contact details can be found on the web site, or by contacting their advice line at 020 7405 2234.
Cosmetic surgery advice misleading says Which?
London: Non-medical staff giving advice, misleading claims, remote prescribing and pressure selling are just some of the findings from a new Which? investigation* into the UK cosmetic treatments industry.
With nearly 1 in 5 UK adults saying they would consider having cosmetic surgery**, more needs to be done to protect consumers and put an end to the current sales before safety cosmetic treatment climate.
Which? undercover researchers visited 19 clinics in England and Wales posing as prospective patients for breast surgery, liposuction and Botox®*** to test whether the clinics were giving patients sound advice. Transcripts of the consultations were analysed by independent experts**** and provided an unimpressive snapshot of the cosmetic treatments industry.
Experts were concerned to discover some clinic staff describing invasive surgery as scarless or a minor procedure, with one sales assistant showing her breasts to a Which? researcher in order to make a sale. Even more worrying was literature which offered liposuction in an office setting to avoid hospital costs.
Which? has identified three major areas of concern from the research:
Use of aggressive marketing puts undue pressure on consumers.
Poor information makes it hard for consumers to make informed decisions about their treatment or where to have it.
Rule breaking is going unchecked because of weak and patchy regulation*****.
Which? health campaigner, Jenny Driscoll, says:
There are risks with all cosmetic treatments, so when people go for a consultation they should get accurate and in-depth advice from a medical professional, not a pitch from an unqualified salesperson.
Our investigations in recent months have revealed a relaxed attitude to non-surgical treatments such as Botox and it is worrying to find that it is being prescribed by doctors without them having seen or even spoken to the patient.
The Health and Social Care Bill is currently going through Parliament and Which? will be calling for the Government to make sure that regulation of this industry is more robust.
More information on this campaign:
*For its report The good, the bad and the ugly the cosmetic treatments industry, Which? visited 19 clinics in England and Wales in summer 2007. The consultations took place at well-known chains and local clinics in London, Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Nottingham, Bristol, Leicester and Cardiff. Which? researchers had one pre-surgery or pre-treatment consultations at each clinic. Each consultation was recorded using hidden audio equipment. The visits focussed on two types of cosmetic surgery: liposuction (7 visits) and breast augmentation (6 visits). Six clinics were also visited for initial consultations on Botox®.
**Which? face-to-face omnibus survey of 2089 adults 16+, August 2007.
*** Botox® is a prescription-only drug and must be prescribed by a health professional (usually a doctor) with prescribing rights. Which? found examples where Botox® would be provided without the direct involvement of a doctor or other health professional with independent prescribing rights.
****Each visit was assessed by an independent expert for aspects of the consultation, the practitioner and the verbal information given to the prospective patient. Which? also assessed any written information provided at the visit. The overall ratings for the clinic visits were mixed with no clinics rated as excellent and just 5 clinics rated as good.
***** To see a copy of the Independent Healthcare Advisory Services (IHAS) Good Medical Practice in Cosmetic Surgery, please visit For more information on the Medical and Healthcare products Regulatory Agencys (MHRA) position on Botox®, please visit
The findings follow a recent Which? investigation at the Body Beautiful show in London (2nd -4th November) where 20 examples of breaches of industry rules were found.
On 5 December the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) censured the Harley Medical Group for a poster advert that said Gorgeous breasts just got easy with cosmetic surgery … ” as it implied that breast augmentation was risk free.
Anyone considering a cosmetic treatment can visit for a comprehensive guide and the opportunity to feedback.
A forehead lift is a good option for those who have dropping brows, deep lines on the forehead and between the eyes. This operation pulls the eyebrows into a slightly higher position, opening up the eye area. The muscles that cause the frown between the brows may also be removed.
There are two techniques currently in use – the traditional coronal brow lift which uses a genral or twilight anaesthetic and different types of endoscopic brow lifts.
In the coronal brow lift the incision is made in the natural hairline, running from ear to ear across the top of the head.
With an endoscophic lift the muscles and underlying tissues are released and the eyebrows may also be lifted.
As with a facelift you will be instructed to keep your head elevated and apply cold compresses to reduce swelling and bruising. Swelling and bruising may also affect the cheeks and eyes. You should not take part in any physical activity such as jogging and other sports for several weeks.
Harley Street Hair Clinic, Harley Street, London
10% discount on eyebrow restoration
Harley Street Hair Clinic
29 Harley Street
London W1G 9QR
T: 0800 007 6010
The Harley Street Hair Clinic is one of the only hair loss clinic in the United Kingdom that specialises in FT (follicular transfer). It is internationally renown in hair restoration for men and women including eyebrow restoration.
The FT Technique evolved from the pioneering work done by Dr Woods, Dr Inaba and Dr Rassman with FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction) that involves extracting follicles one by one from the donor area to be then replanted into a patient’s balding area.
The potential of this technique has enabled the natural reconstruction of balding areas with specialised follicle extraction and placement techniques. Our custom built micro-surgical tools ensure each follicular group of hair is precisely removed one by one with no extra tissue or damage to the surrounding skin. The hairs are then placed and grouped in natural orientation with a combination of artistry and the skill of talented and experienced Doctors.
The clinic also offers advice and consultation on all forms of hair loss and treatments available to help maintain as well as restore hair. All consultations are free, educational and without any obligation of any kind.
Consultations are only given by trained medical professionals and our aim is to advise on the possibilities of modern hair restoration technology as well as increasing awareness of the amazing results that can be achieved enabling patients freedom from hair loss concerns
The clinic started as a bespoke service for patients around the world seeking the finest Hair restoration and results. We have a strict policy of treating one patient per day unlike many other clinics as our focus is on patient care and providing the highest quality and care in the industry today. There are also clinics in Paris, Vegas, Arizona, and Dubai; and plans for 2008 to have others in China and India.
The clinic is passionate about solving the emotional and physical problems patients encounter as a result of hair loss and invests a high proportion of its revenue in research programmes internationally to further develop procedures including future genetic treatments for hair loss.
How hyperbaric oxygen helps speed up healing for cosmetic surgery patients
Beverly Hills: Along with new surgical techniques, Dr Paul Nassif (pictured right) of Spalding Drive Plastic Surgery is using hperbaric oxygen to reduce pain and swellling and speed up the healing process after cosmetic surgery.
Hyperbaric oxygen is a medical treatment which uses 100% oxygen which is given to the whole body in a pressure chamber. Oxygen which is the most important element necessary for the health of all cells in the body, is raised hundreds of times more than normal. This high level of oxygen has dramatic effects on the cells and speeds up the body’s natural healing process.
Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported through the entire body only by the red blood cells, which already carry 98% of their capacity for oxygen. With hyperbaric oxygen therapy, oxygen is dissolved into all the body’s fluids and tissues, and can even be carried to areas where the circulation is compromised or even blocked.
This allows extra oxygen to reach all of the damaged tissues so that the body can carry on its own healing process. This increased oxygen gretly enhances the ability of the white blood cells to kill bacteria, reduce local swelling, and promote collagen formation.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatments are painless and pleasant even after recent surgery. Each treatment lasts for about one hour in the hyperbaric oxygen chamber. You will be impressed by how comfortable and relaxing the treatment is.
An additional benefit of this tretament is the reduction of stress and anxiety over the recent surgery. Many patients sleep during the procedure and find it similar to meditation.
Dr Paul Nassif is a rhinoplasty specialist and facial plastic surgeon. He developed the “anti-gravity” facelift which leaves no visible scars and is noted for achieving natural-looking results in the shortest recovery time. He has authored numerous peer-reviewed articles on facial plastic surgery and has given medical conference presentations and lectures about the latest surgical techniques. For more information about Dr Nassif visit
Listen to our ELIXIR podcast interview with Dr Nassif on hyperbaric oxygen treatment and also on the anti-gravity facelift ELIXIR PODCASTS
Male cosmetic surgery grows in popularity
London: A survey conducted on behalf of UK newspaper, the Sunday Telegraph, has found that 23 percent of men or one in four would have cosmetic surgery to improve their looks.
The survey of 1,000 British men was done by Opinion Health. Of those questioned, 46 percent admitted to poor eating habits, with most of their meals made up of junk food and pre-packaged meals. Forty percent has virtually no form of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Over the last two years men in the UK have gone in increasing numbers for liposuction, and procedures for younger-looking features such as nose jobs and eyelid surgeries.
How to get the Brazilian Buttock
Singer and actress J-Lo has the most talked about derriere on the planet. And the term J-Lo Bum is used to describe a large but pert rear. The Jo-Lo which is more commonly known as the Brazilian Buttock Lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that is becoming increasingly popular as the focus has recently shifted from boobs to bums for celebrities.
The emphasis on the bum and not the boob is highlighted by the increasing number of actresses competing for the best bum in the business by being photographed showing off their gluts on the red carpet at premieres.
The most recent best bum revealers – Goldie Hawns daughter, actress Kate Hudson, Kill Bill beauty Uma Thurman, Victoria Beckham , Kate Moss, Cameron Diaz, Denise Van Outen, Welch diva Charlotte Church, hotel heiress Paris Hilton, Mariah Carey and Beyonce Knowles. Further proof that fulsome derrieres are on the way up was Kylie Minogues bustle outfit.
So what exactly is the J-Lo? Leading cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Luiz S. Toledo, who is a member of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons says the procedure which is also performed on men, is desirable for those who have little definition or who want a more pert look.
In the procedure the surgeon uses a mixture of liposuction and fat grafting to get the ideal look.
Dr Toledo explains: There are two main body types: gynoid, with a concentration of fat below the waistline and android, which concentrates fat above the waistline. Both types can benefit from this type of surgery. The gynoid type usually needs liposuction of the hips, thighs, legs, tummy and fat injection in the buttocks. The android type will usually need liposuction of the arms, back, hips, tummy and breasts. Fat is injected into the buttocks and often the inner thighs as well.
To lift the buttock the surgeon makes an incision in the hip area and the buttock for the liposuction or liposculpture procedure. The fat is then reinjected increasing the volume of the buttock.
In many cases simply the removal of the excess fat will bring about a major improvement in the area, says Dr Toledo.
This operation takes from one to three hours and is carried out under local anesthetic together with a sedative. Usually patients are not required to stay in hospital unless the procedure is extensive.
After the operation an elastic girdle is worn which helps stablise the new shape and minimize swelling. This is usually worn for a few weeks. Lymphatic drainage using a light massage is encouraged in the liposuction areas about 24 hours after the operation. Mobility is essential so walking is encouraged from day two increasing the distance each day.
Walking is essential from day two, increasing the distance covered each day. This assists with swelling, water retention and the circulation. Strenuous exercise such as running and weight lifting are allowed one month after surgery.
Some postoperative procedures such as low frequency ultrasound to correct any hardened areas may be recommended and carried out under the supervision of the surgeon.
Stitches are removed between the 5th and 7th day and you can return to work after two to three weeks. Fading and flattening of the little scars can take three months and up to two years.
Risk of this surgery
Significant complications from liposculpture and fat injection are infrequent, says Dr Toledo.
Potential complications are asymmetry, rippling, and pigmentation of the skin, bleeding, infection and problems with the anesthetic. Temporary numbness of the skin and hematomas (blood accumulations) are possible mild complications. Irregularities of the skin can happen in some patients, but can be treated if necessary. More serious complications are very rare.
The results may take a few months to show because of fluid retention following surgery swelling. Sometimes the fat injection procedure has to be repeated because there is a limit to the amount of fat that can be injected in one stage. Occasionally, a secondary procedure, or “touchup” may be required to improve certain areas
Duration of the Results:
After sixth months there should be no more reabsorption of the injected fat and the result should remain stable. If the weight remains the same results should be permanent, especially when combined with diet and exercise. Cost £5-10,000. Dr. Luiz S. Toledo practices in Dubai and London. Tel: +9714 2699717 Email
Posted in Cosmetic Surgery, News
Tagged Brazilian, buttock, cosmetic surgery, surgery
Breast implant patients three times more likely to commit suicide
London:Women who have cosmetic breast implants are nearly three times more likely to commit suicide as other women, according to a study published in the Annals of Plastic Surgery.
Deaths related to mental disorders, including alcohol or drug dependence, were also three times higher among women who had the cosmetic surgery.
Loren Lipworth of the Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Tennessee and colleagues studied 3,527 Swedish women who had cosmetic breast implant surgery between 1965 and 1993. They also looked at death certificates to analyze causes of death among women with breast implants.
After an average of 19 years, 24 of the women had committed suicide. While the number of suicides was small, it worked out to triple the risk compared to the average population.
In all, 38 deaths (22 per cent of all deaths) were associated with suicide, psychological disorders and/or drug and alcohol abuse, the researchers wrote.
Although no reasons were given for the higher suicide rate, study author Lipworth says she believes that some women who get implants may have psychiatric problems to start with, perhaps linked with lower self-esteem or body image disorders.
Doctors who perform cosmetic breast surgery may want to monitor patients closely or screen them for suicide risk, Lipworth added.
Last year, Canadian scientists also found a higher risk of suicide among women who got breast implants.
The study, carried out by the Public Health Agency of Canada, the University of Toronto, Cancer Care Ontario and the University of Laval, looked at 24,558 women in Ontario and Quebec who underwent breast implant surgery from 1974 to 1989. They identified 58 suicides among the 480 breast-implant recipients who died. In a comparable general female population without implants, they would have expected 33 suicide deaths.
The authors of that study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, said:
“Serious consideration should be given to providing consultation for patients who are considered by the plastic surgeon to be at high risk of psychiatric disorder or suicide.”
Statmedica is a gateway to medical tourism in Poland. For more information to go
The site provides the best guidance in the market along with practical tips and latest updates on new services and trends. The site is also very useful for local residents interested in the private health sector.
Foreigners seeking healthcare services in Poland usually opt for cosmetic and corrective surgeries, general dental or orthodontic treatment, as well as orthopedic surgeries. Numerable services are also available in cardiology, ophthalmology, neurology and many other medical fields. Polish doctors are highly qualified and enjoy an excellent reputation and Polish private clinics meet the highest standards while providing their services at a much lower cost.
The leading names in aesthetic beauty and anti-ageing rejuvenation treatments are offering one reader a makeover using the latest treatments on the market. This wonderful package is worth up to $3,984 (£2,000, 2,931).
The reader makeover will include a consultation with experts at the Skin Health Spa at top London store Selfridges where they will receive a divine anti-ageing facial, a BriteSmile teeth whitening treatment (only offered as a suitable treatment for those without veneers or caps) or alternatively a Botox wrinkle erasing; a hair makeover consultation and a restyle cut and colour by with Tracey Gallagher, superstar stylist at Saks . A look younger consultation at aesthetic specialists Collagenics and a remedial treatment package of treatments. Reform Surgical which is headed by top surgeons Dai Davies and Nick Percivial is offering a free consultation to discuss any further areas of concern.
All the treatments will take place in London and the winner will have her look ten years younger transformation pictured in ELIXIR.
To win this wonderful prize please email us at with your name, address and daytime phone number by 31 May 2007 and you will be entered into the draw.
1) There is no cash equivalent offered
2) To be eligible to take part the entrant must be over 21
3) Since all the treatments take place in London, the winning entrant must meet all their own travel and / or accommodation costs.
4) Only one entrant per household address
5) The winning entrant must be able to take the prize before July 2007.
6) The editors decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into
7) The winner must be willing to take part in before and after photos
8) The Editors decision is final
Cosmetic Surgeon – Dr Javier de Benito
Dr Javier de Benito is one of the worlds most respected cosmetic surgeons and his client list includes Royalty and international celebrities. He is General Director of the Instituto de Benito Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery in Barcelona and President Elect of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery. He has pioneered the development of facial surgery, rejuvenation, breast surgery, endoscopic surgery and anti-ageing medicine. Email your questions on cosmetic surgery to Dr Jose Benito
Web site:
Cosmetic Surgeon – Raj Chopra MD
Dr Rajesh Chopra is a renowned Harvardtrained Facial Plastic Surgeon practicing in Beverly Hills, California. Aesthetic facial plastic surgery is Dr Chopras passion and due to his meticulous artistic surgical skills, he has become Hollywoods celebrity plastic surgeon. He is the man the stars call on for all facial aesthetic concerns. Dr Chopra specializes exclusively in Facial Plastic Surgery, and his surgical interests and expertise include all aspects of facial/neck rejuvenation including the most modern minimally invasive techniques. Website:
Email your questions to Raj Chopra