London:The British Heart Foundation has called on Government to act on food industry and obesity following Tony Blair’s speech on the nation’s health in Nottingham yesterday.
Dr Mike Knapton, Director of Prevention and Care at the BHF, said: “Its great to see the spotlight on prevention but these arent just individual lifestyle problems.
“If millions of children are not eating the right food and not getting enough exercise then its not just a million individual problems. Its a collective problem that will require us all to work together, including Government.
“Yes. Our lifestyle choices make a huge difference to our health, but its not easy for many people – it is the Governments responsibility to create an environment that enables each and every one of us to make choices for a longer and healthier life.
“Tony Blair has said the Government is prepared to act. Industry had its chance and failed to regulate itself effectively in areas such as food advertising and labelling.
“The time for Government to act is now. Requiring the food industry to adopt one sensible system for front pack labels and banning junk food advertising before the watershed would be a good next step.”