Bergomot antioxidants reduce heart disease risk, reveals leading expert

London: A natural supplement, made from plant antioxidants in the Bergamot pear, has been shown to reduce several health risks resulting from taking the cholesterol busting drugs known as statins.


The supplement with the brand name, BergaMet, is  made from the Italian Calabrian Citrus Bergamot and has been proven in clinical trials to offer a number of benefits to people with high cholesterol including:

Lowering ‘bad’ LDL cholesterol by up to 31%.

Works as a compliment to statins and has helped some patients halve their statin dose.

Dr Ross Walker (pictured  left), is an independent cardiologist who has been using BergaMet on over 1,000 heart patients and has found it to effectively reduce high cholesterol, lose tummy fat and help to lower their risk of heart attack.

He said the use of such a supplement could dramatically alter the health landscape of statin use within the UK, allowing doctors to prescribe smaller and less potentially harmful doses of statins.

He said: “Since Citrus Calabrian Bergamot launched in Australia in late 2010 I have seen significant and consistent improvements in my patients either with or without statin therapy. Around 1,000 of my patients are now taking the natural supplement and have witnessed reductions in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and increases in the ‘good’ HDL cholesterol.”

Dr Ross Walker says that the use of  BergaMet  would be helpful in the following cases: 

1)      Low risk patients or in statin intolerant patients to lower cholesterol

2)    In combination with statins to improve efficacy of statins, so a lower dose can be prescribed and side effects are reduced (e.g. muscle pain, weakness, altered cognition)

 He adds: “The results are impressive. Few have witnessed any minor side effects and it is worth noting associated cardiac improvements, such as reduction in arterial stiffness and reductions in abdominal obesity.”

In England, 3 million people were prescribed Simvastatin in the last year but when this is taken in conjunction with high blood pressure and chest pain drugs such as amlodipine and diltiazem, patients are more likely to suffer negative side effects. The side effects include muscle problems such as pain, tenderness, weakness and cramps and more rarely muscle breakdown leading to kidney damage.

BergaMet, from Calabrian Citrus Bergamot, is a natural supplement which has recently been granted food safety approval in the UK and launches this week for UK consumers.  BergaMet is used by experts as part of a management program to maintain healthy cholesterol. People with high cholesterol should not switch from prescribed medications such as statins or warfarin, but can consult with their GP or Cardiologist about introducing a natural supplement to work in complement.  Take 1 tablet twice a day before a large meal – it is important to take BergaMet before meals. Always read the label and use only as directed. BergaMet costs £42 for a month’s supply and is available to order direct from


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