Drinking more water helps prevent arthritis


London: Drink more water, it helps prevent arthritis and other conditions, according to new research from the UK’s Arthritis Association.

In addition, Baroness Greengross, founder of the charity Action on Elder Abuse, has this week called for a set of minimum standards on hydration across the UK. However, it’s not just the elderly who should drink more water.

According to arthritis pioneer Charles de Coti-Marsh, we could all stay a lot healthier for longer if we looked after our gut, and staying hydrated is the first step.

Nutritional therapist Elizabeth Hartland explains: “Many people will have heard about the benefits of healthy bacteria and the pro-biotic drinks you can now buy, but symptoms of an unhealthy digestive system, such as constipation, are less talked about. Charles de Coti-Marsh believed that a constipated state creates toxins which stay in the bowel, enter the blood stream and poison the body, the long term effects of which can be diseases such as arthritis. Drinking plenty of water can help avoid constipation.”

About The Arthritic Association
Founded in 1942, The Arthritic Association www.thearthriticassociation.org.ukis a registered charity dedicated to helping relieve people from the pain of arthritis through natural methods.